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Chapter 1

Lady Sandrilene fa Toren stared out the window, waiting for her friends to be back. She absent-mindedly played with her long, brown sun streaked blond hair. I wonder how much they’ve changed. I wonder how much I have changed. It’s been so long… I’m glad Uncle invited them to stay in the Citadel until fall. The girl's Uncle was Duke Vedris of Emelan.
*Hey Sandry! It’s Daj! I’ll be there REALLY soon!* a voice in the girls head called. It was Daja, one of her best friends.
*Wow Daj! I can’t wait!* Sandry replied.
*Ooh! I’ve gotta go! See you soon!* Daja broke the connection.
About two hours later, a servant stepped into Sandry’s room where she was weaving.
“Miss, your friend is here,” she said.
“Oh! Thank you!” Sandry exclaimed. Sandry hurriedly rushed past the servant to greet Daja.
As Daja looked around the Duke’s Citadel, she wondered where Sandry was. She had said that she would come greet her and show her to her room. Oh well. She’s probably absorbed in some stitching project.
Just then, a colourful blur ran down the stairs of the Entrance Hall.
“Daj! It’s been soooo long! I’m so glad you are finally here. How are you? How’s Frostpine? Did you have fun? I did. Uncle painted your room for you. Oh, and I made you an outfit to wear at the Midwinter ball! You ARE going aren’t you? You wouldn’t leave me to go alone? But wait! You are probably REALLY tired from the trip. Come on! I’ll show you your room!”
“Hey! Wait a minute! I’m fine, so is Frostpine. The room will be great, no matter what color. I did have fun. I didn’t know I was going to the ball. I will if you want me too.” Daja replied to this outburst.
“Well, that’s good. Come on! You will LOVE your room!” And with that, Sandry tugged Daja up the stairs.

(a/n- do you like it? email me at and tell me!)

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