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Test of the Circle

Chapter 2

(A/N- I'm really sorry about not updating. My excuse? My parents divorced and I went with my Dad to Cali. However, I lost all my things on the computer. I also have had a hard time adjusting. But I'm back now! I'm only having one more chappie. Sorry it's so short. As said, I haven't written in a while!)

Sandry was roaming the halls. She was bored. All of a sudden, she saw a flash of blue turn the corner. Curiousity overcame her. She ran after it. Bang! She bumped into someone.
"I'm so sorry!" she exclaimed.
"Watch where you're going, noble!" said a smiling Briar.
"BRIAR!" Sandry shrieked, throwing herself at him, in the process toppling both of htem over on to the floor.
Briar meant to say something witty, but as he looked into Sandry's eyes he found himself unable to speak. His lips inched ever closer to hers.

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