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The Tris-Sandry-Briar Debate


Here is the debate on whether Sandry or Tris would go better with Briar. Send your opinion to

"I don't think Briar should marry either of them because their not really him. They are really close friends with magic and all but no one that close should marry that person. You wouldn't get any privacy. You'd feel trapped." --Lady Yvonne
"I say that Sandry would go better with Briar, simply because Tris and Briar have more of an arguing brother sister relationship. While it's true that Briar teases Sandry, it's done in a way that Sandry never gets mad. Or maybe she's just not as tempermental. Also, when Sandry is admiring the jacket in Daja's book, Briar offers to "nick" it for her. Isn't that sweet? " ~Lily



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