Black or Ship Rat
Scientific name: Rattus rattus
Size: 34-40cm long
Lifespan: 2-3 years
Natural range: throughout Europe
- large wire rat type cage with solid bottom is best
- females are social and should be kept in same sex pairs or groups
- males can be kept together if introduced when young
- they do not tolerate cold temperatures well and the area they are in should be kept above 65F
- Bedding: aspen or corn cob
- Accessories: nest box, branches, tubes, solid rat wheel, chew toy
- mixture of high quality rodent seed mix and some rodent blocks and cat kibble
- offer fresh fruit or veggies once to twice weekly
- Maturity: 3 months old
- Gestation: 21-23 days
- Litter size: 2-6
- nursing mothers are extremely protective of the nest
- eyes open at 14 days old
- to ensure tame offspring, pups should be pulled from the nest at 15 days old and hand reared until weaning
- should be fully weaned by 3 weeks old