Green Acouchi
Scientific name: Myoprocta acouchy
Size: 35-45cm long including tail
Lifespan: 10-16 years
Natural range: southern South America
- large outdoor enclosure with an enclosed top
- can also have some supervised time free range in the house
- they are territorial and should be housed alone
- Accessories: large shelter bedded with stable shavings (heated in winter), various toys and hideaways
- mixture of a high quality cavy pellet and a grocery bulk fruit and nut mix (unsalted)
- free access to a variety of types of hay
- fresh fruits and veggies once t otwice weekly
- Maturity: 9 months old
- Gestation: 99 days
- Litter size: 1-4
- breeding is best achieved in pairs or trios
- young are born fully furred and eyes open within an hour of birth
- should be fully weaned by 4-5 weeks old