Plains Viscacha
Scientific name: Lagostomus maximus
Size: 62-86cm long including tail
Lifespan: 8-10 years
Natural range: Argentina and southeastern Bolivia
- large multi-level ferret type cage is best
- females are social and should be housed in pairs or groups
- males are territorial and should be housed individually
- Bedding: aspen or corn cob
- Accessories: nest box, chew toys, dust bath
- high quality chinchilla pellet
- free choice timothy hay
- fresh veggies once weekly
- Maturity: 8 months old
- Gestation: 154 days
- Litter size: 1-4
- breeding is best achieved in a trio or colony situation
- young are born fully furred and with eyes open
- should be weaned by 6-8 weeks old