Small Five-toed Jerboa
Scientific name: Allactaga elater
Size: 26-30cm long including tail
Lifespan: 5-6 years
Natural range: northern Africa to eastern Asia
- aquarium with mesh lid is best
- allow at leat 50gal per pair
- can be kept in pairs if introduced at a young age
- Bedding: aspen or reptile sand
- Accessories: chews, tunnels, nestbox, chinchilla dust bath
- feed a mixture of high quality finch seed and rodent seed mix
- allow free access to timothy hay and other dried greens
- occassional kitten kibble
- small piece of fresh fruit or veggie once to twice weekly
- do not offer standing water source, they will get all the moisture they need from fresh fruit or veggie
- Maturity: 6 weeks old
- Gestation: 24-28 days
- Litter size: 1-3
- should be fully weaned by 5 weeks old