At the bottom of each webpage, where possible, I will cite the sources I have used for my own information, including tomb artifcact lists, biographies, historical facts, photographs, drawings, diagrams, etc. If I have neglected to note a source, it's probably because I either forgot to note it or do not recall my source. Each source will be cited in standard MLA format (Modern Language Association of America) for books or magazine articles. I will also take the liberty of adding after the publisher's name the ISBN number of the book used, if applicable. If I've used it, the odds are good that it's a book worth purchasing for your own library collection. I encourage you to question the information I've gathered. Information changes quickly in the world of history as new things, so to speak, are uncovered, documented, and studied. My purpose is to make you curious enough to do some digging on your own and give you a basis on which to go out and form your own opinions and conclusions.
To any authors/websites that I may leech information from:
The purpose of this website is to expand knowledge of any who wander here. I am purposefully placing information regarding your books and sites specifically for the public to access it. A picture is nice but the text that goes along with it is even better and promotes a better understanding. My purpose is to whet the appetite and make the passer-by want to find out more and they do that by taking note of the sources I used and go get their own copies. Hopefully, I'm peaking their interest enough to make them find out everything you've made available. I by no means am stealing all your thunder; I daren't even begin to fantasize I possibly could, because I'm an amateur and smart enough to know this.
Here are made up examples of books and magazine articles using MLA formatting. Please remember these are made up and, unless I'm psychic, do not exist.
Book by Single Author
Wagner, Charles. Basking in the Glory of the Sun. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2002.
Author's Name (last name first) followed by a period. Underlined Book Title followed by a period. Place of publication followed by a semi-colon then the name of the publishing company followed by a comma and the publishing date and a period.
Book by Two Authors
Wagner, Charles W. and Theodore Osmond. The Glory of the Sun and It's Travels Through Time. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2002.
Book by Multiple Authors (3 or more)
Wagner, Charles W., et al., The Sun and It's History. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2002.
Magazine Article
Wagner, Charles. "The Sun's Rays Throughout History." National Magazine for the Sun 13 (2002): 12-14
Author's name (last name first) followed by a period. The title of the article in quotations with a period after the title end within the quotations. Underlined name of the magazine followed by the volume number (if applicable, or it might be appropriate to use the month date of publication such as June) followed by the year of publication in parentheses followed by a semi-colon with the page numbers last.
To use this webpage as a source, using the following format as found at Purdue's Using Modern Language Association.
Author(s). Name of Page. Date of Posting/Revision. Name of institution/organization affiliated with the site. Date of Access
or in my case:
Gilliam, Valancy. Tutankhamun: The Living Horus. October 2002 (or my most recent update as found on the index page). The date you gathered your information (such as 12-12-2002) < >.
Gilliam, Valancy. Tutankhamun: The Living Horus. October 2002. 12-12-2002 < >.