Hello, I am the almighty Lord~Queso, and I have come to realize, that this webpage sucks! I mean, uncontrollably!!! So, in an effort to cut out the suckyness, I have amputated uneccessary stuff, leaving merely my art and writing. Yay.
If you have any inclination, check out my pages below.
*note! - this page best viewed in font "Diablo Light"
Go get it!
Here's my drawings of stuff.
Here's my writings, some poetry, minimal prose.
That's Trillian, its really awesome. Go check it out, I highly reccomend it.
Here are some random links, enjoy.
Which Jhonen Vaquez character are you? By EmReznor.
A quiz to see which Jhnonen Vasquz character you are
They say I'm like Johnny... Good times. pretty pretty knives...
Take my Quiz on QuizYourFriends.com!
JAG enterprises. Best Airsoft site in Japan if you ask me.
Atlanta airsoft. Best place to buy springers and ammo.
Visit the Games Workshop page
Visit the Blizzard page
Heres a site that sells WH40K pieces for DIRT(ish) CHEEP
Go visit the Larry-Boy homepage
Well, simply this is cheese.com
Check it out! See stick figures dying!!
My Friend's site.
KFMA.com My favorite radio station's site. You used to be able to listen online, and you still might. Go there.
Battlebots.com, awesome site, awesome show
My friend's site. She also made her own page because elfwood sucked.
He didn't really want me to, but this is my other firend's site(HAHAHAH!)
Another friend's site, he's a freak, don't mind him.
Homestarrunner! GO SEE IT! IT'S HILLARIOUS!