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The pipe smoking wizard stepped forth. Harry was thinking he looked a lot like Dumbledore.

"I'm Aberforth Dumbledore. I manage a bit of this rabble." He said motioning to the wizards and witches near
him, including Tonks and Andromeda. "Oh, and I'm his little brother." Aberforth nodded to Professor

Harry gaped. Dumbledore had mentioned that he had a brother. Well, mentioned once in passing. Aberforth
Dumbledore reminded Harry of a cross between Albus Dumbledore and Albert Einstein. His hair stuck up oddly
like Einstein's had, but the face was remarkably like the headmaster's, even down to the twinkle in his blue eyes.

"I'm Madam Rosmerta. I'm the proprietor of Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade. It's sort of like a pub for those of
you who've never been." The curvy woman said with a toss of her honey-colored hair.

"Kingsley Shacklebolt. I'm an Auror. So's Tonks, though she failed to mention it with her mum attacking Black
and all."

"I am Viktor Krum. I verk for Kingsley. I am training to be an Auror."

Harry and Ron were gaping. They had not noticed him standing behind the tall, bald, black guy with the gold
hoop in one ear that called himself Kingsley Shacklebolt. Viktor was staring at Hermione. Ron scooted closer to

"I think we've all established that I am Narcissa Black Malfoy. Draco's mother. Andromeda's sister. Sirius's

"I'm Ethan Rayne."

Hermione gasped. She remembered hearing of him from Giles. None of it had been favorable. What on earth
was he doing here?

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't haul you outside and beat the everlasting hell out of you."

"Rupert." McGonagall gasped.

"Easy now, Ripper. You still cross about that Fyarl thing?"

"This is the wanker that turned you into a Fyarl demon that time?" Spike asked.

Giles nodded in the affirmative.

Spike snorted before looking back to Ethan. "You'll be lucky if ALL he does is beat the everlasting hell out of
you, mate."

Buffy snorted then. "Only if Giles can beat me to him."

"Nasty slayer. Hiss hiss hiss."

"Hi, Drusilla. Act up and you'll get the business end of my stake." Buffy snapped. "What IS the Mistress of
Loonyland doing here?"

"Drusilla's a seer." Narcissa said.

"Drusilla's a vicious killer." Buffy countered.

"Is this about you little slayer friend with the dark eyes and the caramel skin... skin that sliced open so nice for

Buffy lunged. It was Faith who grabbed her.

"Don't, B. It's what she wants." The dark slayer looked over she shoulder at Dru. "You keep taunting her, and I
will take you apart. Piece by piece, princess kitty, and I will love every second of it. You dig, mistress of pain?"

Drusilla pouted and made a whimpering sound. "The naughty slayer is mean. Rrrrrruff!"

Faith rolled her eyes. "And they say I'm a psycho."

"I am-"

"D'Hoffryn, you bastard! What are you doing here?!" Anya practically shouted.

"Aberforth is an old friend. He asked me to assist, Anyanka."

"Let's get this straight." Remus growled. "Her name's Anya. She's isn't a demon anymore, and you can't have
her back."


Willow stepped out where D'Hoffryn could see her. "Really."

"Ah, Willow. How delightful. You protecting Anyank... Anya."

"You just be sure you're here for Dumbledore's brother and not here on vengeance business."

D'Hoffryn held up his hands on surrender. "I'm here as a favor. Nothing more."


"Still off men, are we?"

Snape leaned around her. "No. As a matter of fact she is not."

"Well, you certainly ran out and found the scariest thing with a penis available."

Anya rolled her eyes. "Oh shut up. You're just bitter because she didn't want my old job after you fired me the first

"Hi. I'm Clement. Clem. I provide snacks... and uh, obviously I'm not human."

Buffy gave Clem's saggy arm a pat. "You do more than provide snacks, Clem."

Ron made a face. "Eww."

"Not that kind of more, Ron. Geez, pervert."

"Ronald Weasley!" Molly snapped.

"Yeah, eww. Like I'd touch her anyhow. Look how tight her skin is. Gross."

"Thanks Clem. Because you know I just wasn't feeling unwanted enough these days."

"Unwanted? Her?" Bill was leaned over to Charlie whispering loudly. "She's kidding, right?"

"As I said earlier, I'm Buffy Summers. I'm a vampire slayer. I guard the Hellmouth in Sunnydale, California.
Dawn's my little sister, and Giles used to be my watcher until he found a real job, the slacker."

"Um hi. Xander Harris here. I used to provide snacks, but alas, I have moved up to moral support and body

"I'm Oz. Uh Daniel Ozbourne. I provide much needed sarcasm. Oh wait no, that's not me." He looked at the guy
next to him. "That's you. Anyhow, I'm Oz. I get a little hairy around the full moon... if I forget to do my chants and
wear my beads."

The guy next to Oz had an irritated look on his face. "You done?"

"Finished. Cakes are done. You know, for a lawyer, you sure don't know much about the English language."

"You know, for someone who's supposedly laconic, you sure have talked a lot today."

"Can we get on with this?" A redheaded woman slightly behind them snapped.

Connor sucked in air sharply when he noticed her.

The guy next to Oz sighed. "I'm Lindsey McDonald-"

"And he has an evil hand!" Angel yelled, pointing. "Evil hand! Evil! Hand of evil!"

Buffy was looking at Angel oddly. "What are you? Five? I can't believe I dated you."

"Oh is that what you kids are calling having sex these days." Spike quipped. "In that case, Buffy and I have dated

"Shut up, Spike!" Buffy and Angel hollered at the same time.

Then Angel stalked over to where she was. "You had sex with Spike?" He muttered in a low tone.

"Do you really think NOW is the time for this conversation?"

"Right. Sorry. The lawyer with the EVIL HAND was explaining how he fits in with you and yours."

"This is SO typical."


"Big bad Angel - he knows everything. First impressions are always completely correct, huh? People change,

"Not people with evil hands."

"We had this conversation once before, Angel. When you were harboring Faith, and I was dating Riley. Do you
remember? We don't live in each other's worlds anymore. You don't know why Lindsey's living with me."

"He's LIVING with you?"

"So are Oz and Justine."

That's when Angel noticed the snippy redhead standing behind Oz and Lindsey. "You." He growled.

"Back off! If anyone and Justine have a right to be mad at one another, it should be her being mad at Wesley.
After all, he did chain her up in his closet all this past summer."

"She helped dump me in the ocean and made my son believe I had killed the man who raised him." Angel spat,
enunciating every word perfectly.

"And she's trying to atone for that."

Angel rolled his eyes and stomped back over to where Cordelia was sitting with Fred.

"So anyway... " This tree trunk of a guy standing next to Justine said. "I'm Graham Miller. I just moved back to
Sunnydale, and I'm rooming at Xander's for now. I used to be in this government issued monster squad, but that
went a little... bad, and it's a long boring story dealing with secret funding. Long story short, I ended up back in
Sunnydale, and hooked up with Buffy."

"This is your new boyfriend? Government? Is he friends with that Riley moron?" Angel said.

Cordelia rolled her eyes.

Buffy held Graham back when he attempted to stalk forward. "No, Graham is not my boyfriend."

Charlie nudged Bill.

"Yes, he was in the Initiative. And don't call Riley a moron. He's not a moron."

"Left you, didn't he?" Angel snapped.

"Yeah, well, so did you."

It suddenly got very quiet.

"Hi, I'm Cassie. Cassandra Newton. I go to Sunnydale High, the new Sunnydale High. Buffy's my guidance
counselor, which is really ironic considering I told her we needed to come here before the big head came up in
the fire at her house. Sometimes I know things before they happen. I decided to come because I'm going to die

"Will you stop saying that? You are not going to die. I am not going to let you die."

Giles was looking at Buffy. "You're a guidance counselor? At a high school?"

"Oh like high school librarian is so much more distinguished. At least people wanna see me. No one ever
wanted to go to the library."

"Ok, are we done there? Good." Said a blonde woman standing with one last little group that was part of Angel's
extended entourage. "I'm Kate Lockley. I used to be a detective for the LAPD."

"I thought you looked familiar." Faith said.

"Why are there no bars around her?"

"Easy, Detective Lockley." Wesley said. "Faith's my responsibility now."

"So I'll blame you when she goes psycho killer spree again."

"Hey!" Buffy said.

Faith raised a brow. "I think spree is a bit of a stretch. Crime spree yes, psycho killer spree... not so much."

"She wouldna do tha'!" Oliver boomed.

Faith gave him a pat on the thigh. "Easy, kitten."

"So..." The girl who'd question Charlie about the dragons earlier rose. "The name is Gwen Raiden, and this
place is making me all weird."

Angel looked at her. Gwen removed her long black gloves. Blue sparks immediately started crackling along her
hands, then the electricity reached out and connected in a strange strand between her fingertips. Shortly after
that, her hair started to stand on end... like with static electricity. Suddenly there was a bright flash of blue, and
Gwen was thrown across the room. As if she'd been struck by lightening.

"Whoa." Fred and George muttered at the same time.

"Hogwarts did that to her?" Draco muttered. "Suddenly don't want to be in school anymore."

"Remarkable." Professor Dumbledore said. "My dear is your body infused with electricity? You attract and are
able to manipulate current."

"Give the man a prize." Gwen groaned.

"Only you have very little control over it since walking into the school, correct?"

"Ding ding ding."

"The magical wards of Hogwarts are so many that it has an adverse effect on electricity. We shall have to work
something out for you. I doubt you want this remarkable gift of yours going haywire for the duration of your visit."

"Do what you gotta do to keep me from repeatedly getting shock treatment." Gwen said as she started pulling
her gloves back on.

"Perhaps Professor Flitwick and I could come up with a charm?" Willow asked. "Since he's so charm-y and I'm
all knowing about the electrical stuff. Maybe Fred, Winifred Fred, could help since she's all about the physics?"

Fred glared at Gwen in a way that let Gwen know she was still irritated about Gwen electrocuting Gunn to death
that time. God forbid the girl remember that Gwen also brought him back to life.

"So hi. I'm Anne. I'll make this quick because I think I have magical jet-lag or something. I'm all tired. I live in LA,
and I run a teen shelter. Gunn is one of my oldest and dearest friends... and uh, hi Buffy."

"I was thinking maybe that was you. Teen shelter. It fits. Still Anne."

"It was a good name."

"I am the Groosalugg. But am called Groo by my princess and her people. I am from Pylea. I came when Angel
suggested there were many battles to be fought here."

A green-skinned demon who looked to be the same type of demon as Lorne stood and beat one fist on his
chest. "I am Landok of the Deathwok Clan. I also come to fight. I am cousin to Krevlorneswath. This is his
brother Numfar who does not speak but dances. Numfar, do the dance of introduction."

Numfar, also green and demon-y, started prancing around and kicking up one leg. Lorne groaned and put a
hand over his face.

"Remarkable." Dumbledore said, looking truly delighted with Numfar. "I am Albus Dumbledore. I am headmaster
of this school. Quarters have been made available for all our guests here at Hogwarts. The house elves will be
along shortly to show everyone to their rooms and see to any needs any of you might have. I will meet tomorrow
morning with Miss Buffy Summers, Angel, and Aberforth to discuss things... as they are seemingly the leaders of
each of our respective groups. Then we shall all meet again in a few days. Until then, I welcome each of you to
explore your new surroundings to acquaint yourself with Hogwarts. And I'm sure any of our students or former
students here... or perhaps staff members would be willing to show those of you around who are visiting us for
the first time."

Numfar did a very pretty pirouette.

"Not ruddy likely." Draco muttered. "I'm not showing anyone bugger'all."

"You are not too old for me to spank, Draco Malfoy. Mind your manners." Narcissa snapped.

Draco had the good sense to look properly shocked... and Numfar still danced.

"THIS... is the crack team that's going to foil Voldemort's latest plan? If he ever sees that..." Spike motioned to
Numfar who was still shuffling about. "He's going to be deeply shamed."


end part

AN: Most of the Potterverse names were taken from the HP Lexicon. Dumbledore's brother Aberforth was
mentioned in GoF. Siobhan is pronounced "shuh VAHN". It's Irish with roots in Hebrew.
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