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Mysterio delas Felipinas

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Philippine Herbs

Herbs are very much incorporated in spells and magickal workings.

But most books about herbs are written in English, so it's hard to find those herbs. Why? Because most filipino Wiccans don't know the Filipino names of English Herbs.

For Example, did you know that our Damong Maria is the English Mugwort? I bet you didn't.

The following list will give you the Filipino names of Herbs. These translations have been taken from Plants and Health by A. C. Sas. 

English Names

Filipino Names

Alfaalfa Alfaalfa
Aloe Sabila
Amaranth Kulitis
Anatto Asuette
Anise Saque
Apple Mansanas
Arrowroot Araro
Basil Balanoy
Borage Dilang Usa
Bellladona Kunti
Calamus Lubigan
Champhor Sambong
Cayenne Siling Labuyo
Cinnamon Kalingag
Coriander Kulantro
Cypress Cipress
Egyptian Bean Bataw
Elder Sauko
Frangipani Kalatsutsi
Fennel Haras
Fig Igos
Gardenia Rosal
Ginger Luya
Heliotrope Higad-Higaran
Hibiscus Gumamela
Jasmine Sampaguita
Juniper Enero
Laurel Laurel
Lemon Grass Tanglap
MaidenHair Alambrillo
Marigold Amarillo
Marvel of Peru A las cuatro
Mimosa Makahiya
Morning Glory Kang kong
MotherWort Kamariang-sungsong
Mugwort Damong Maria
Nettle Amirai
Oak Ecina
Old Maid Tsistsirika
Oleander Adelfa
Orange Kahel
Oregano Oregano
Phil. Violet Kolintang
Pomegranate Granada
Purslane Kolasiman
Rose Rosas
Rosemary Romero
Sacred Lotus Baino
Saffron Azafran
Snakeroot Serpentina
Spikenard Nardo
Stonecrop Katakataka
Sunflower Mirasol
Tumeric Kilaw
Willow Sauce

Im sorry that I still can't post the Magickal properties of each  plant. The diversity of the herbal knowledge of Filipinos will make it quite impossible. But don't worry, I will try my best.

For corrections, email me and I will surely change what I wrote.
