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Mysterio delas Felipinas

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Doll Magick: Filipino Flavor

Filipino Kulam was greatly influenced by voodoo practices of Africa. Thats why lots of material on voodoo can be found in Kulam. One of the practices Mangkukulams are using is Doll Magick.

This article will just tell you how the filipinos use doll in order to make magick. Most of you will see that the magick detailed here is more on the dark side. This is because the filipinos used this magick against oppressors during the spanish reign.

The Doll

The doll used in this type of magick is usually made from cloth. It is colored black. This doll is blessed using an incantation. It is kept in a small box. The box is made from wood and has a string or chain inside it. The chain is used to tie the doll. The tying symbolizes the power of the witch over the person who will be cursed.

The Rite

When the witch wants to hurt anybody, she takes strands of hair from her victim. When she comes home, she immediately goes to her room and take the box. She then affixes the hair upon the doll and recite a psuedo-latin incantation. Then she begins to hurt the victim. She can stick pins into the doll. Everything that she does to the doll, the victim will feel. There are others things she can do. She can touch the doll with her wet finger and the doll will fell pain. She can whip it using a Buntot ng Pagi (Tail of a Ray) and the victim will feel a very painful whip. She can place the doll over fire to make the victim fell hot or submerged the doll in water to make the victim drown. After that she will place the doll back to the box.

Stopping the Pain

The only way the victim can free himself is to take the doll out of the box and take of the string or chain that ties the doll.

