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Mysterio delas Felipinas

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According to Phil. Folklore, an Manananggal is a nocturnal being who eats the viscera parts of a human being. 

Filipino stories share lots of information about this monsters:

How to become an Manananggal.

Unless you have a Mother or Father that is an Aswang, you are out of luck. Stories say that an aswang passes his powers to his or her child just before she dies.

But one story tells that a person can become an aswang by eating foods from Manananggal ( which is more or less transfigured meat ). Usually it takes the form of Camotes or Sweet Potatoes. They will look small and delicious, but take note, if they are placed in fire, they will jump and go back to their natural form, Human Flesh!

Another thing to do for you to be an aswang is to obtain the Flying Oil. Similar to the flying lotions of the witches of old, this is smeared all over the body at about midnight. The person will then feel extreme heat and some moments later, the lower part of his body will separate from his upper body. His wings will appear and off he goes.

The Manananggal Diet

The Mananangal will stay with his human diet until the rest of his life. Often he will hunt for food at night, usually humans who stay outside too late. Also he delights in Child's flesh. The Liver is one of the most delicious parts for him.

How to Stop a Manananggal

There are several things you can do to kill a Mananangal. One way is to use a Sibat or Spear. It is said that Manananggals are afraid of spears. Trust the spear into his heart and he will surely die.

You can also use the universal Magickal ingredient, Salt. Just throw salt the mananangal or more potently, place some on his lower body. In case you don't have salt, you can also use Ash, Garlic or Vinegar.

And the last thing you can do to kill him is expose him to sunlight. He will die a "dry" death, I tell you!

Saving a Manananggal,

There are also some things you can do to save a Manananggal or stop him from being so. You could Tell him to not eat human flesh for a year or use the ritual process.

First, he should be hung to a tree and a fire be built under him. The fire is to make sure that the creature that will come out from his mouth will be destroyed before he preys on other beings. It is said that this creature, usually a black chick is the cause of his delight in human flesh.

Next the manananggal should be whipped using a Buntot ng Pagi. He should be whipped until the creature comes out of his mouth.
