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Mysterio delas Felipinas

Home Kulam Bati Tawas Barang Kublis Magica

The Tools of Kublis

When I started with Wicca, I was just didn't feel well. When I read all the published material, I found I cannot adjust to most of the practices. I was then in burden. After some years I found out that I was wrong. I don't need to adjust, its my religion that needs to do that. That's one of my reasons on why I created Kublis.

One of the things I just can't complete is the tools that are needed to practice Wicca. Even though I tried so hard to complete them, I just couldn't. Even if the books stated that the tools are never really that necessary, I can't help myself from thinking that I couldn't call myself Wiccan if I didn't have them.

So here is the product, Tools that are very Filipino in taste. I tried so hard to still incorporate the traditional Wiccan symbols of each tool, but most of them just don't fit the structure of Kublis.

Most of the tools are made from wood. This makes them very earth-based. And that is the real aim of Wicca and Kublis, to be one with the ever-changing earth.

(Sorry, I haven't taken pictures of my tools yet. Don't worry I will place pictures in the very near future.)

The Talim- This is the Filipino version of the Athame. It is a knifelike tool used in directing energy inside the circle. In Kublis, it is often made from wood. It need not be sharp but it should be black. My Talim is a wooden dagger from Baguio City, which I bought for the low price of 25Php, that's about 5 cents. It is black in color and has a Carved Bulol or God Statue at it's hilt tip.

The Baton- Used for calling the goddess and god. In kublis, it is the representation of the fire element. It can be just a straight piece of wood or an elaborately carved pole.

The Kalis- this is the symbol of the water element. It is used to carry the ritual drink imbibed during rituals. I recommend you using a bamboo joint (like I do) for your Kalis. If you cannot obtain a bamboo joint for any reason, you can still use the traditional Chalice. I saw a beautifully carved wooden chalice at a department store in manila. It is about 250Php.

The Pentakulo- in English it means pentacle. This is the pentacle of Kublis. On it is engraved the Pentagramo, which is a five pointed star. Often, it also has the sun symbgol incorporated upon the pentagram and it is usually made from wood. It symbolizes the earth element.

The Batingaw- this bell is a tool for cleansing. Sounds are energy waves that can be utilized to cleanse an environment. A Kublian ritual will never start without throughout banishing of bad vibes!

The Palayok- as the name implies, it is a palayok or clay bowl. It represents the womb of the goddess, from where all life is born. It is where we brew our medicines, it is therefore a symbol of life and health. It is also where we brew our poisons and therefore a symbol of death. We should remember Holda, who takes all her gifts from her cauldron. When I was just beginning with Wicca, I found it hard to find a cauldron, and so I satisfied myself with a palayok. A cauldron may also be utilized.

This is only a small list of tools and shows only the basics. When you begin taking your own path and when you begin serving a particular deity, you will be adding more and more tools to your list. A babaylan or priest of Kalmista, the god of magick, may own a Talim des Anito, a Magick Candle and a Bottle for keeping goofer (graveyard) dust. It varies.
