Hn....It only took me 20 minutes to write this, but the idea seemed good to me. Hope someone likes it....

Warning: Torture fic

Song by Bush 'The Chemicals Between Us' Lyrics in stars.

The Chemicals Between Us

*I want you to remember A love so full it could send us all ways I want you to surrender All my feelings rose today And I want you to remain The power of children can amaze I'll try not to complain I know that's a pisser baby*

Duo looked up from where he was chained to the small cot. He tasted blood in his mouth and felt it on his skin, matting his clothes and hair. At the heavy door he could hear bolts sliding back electronically. From the depth like sound of the bolts he realized the bolts were coming through one wall, through his door, and into the other wall several feet. They didn't want him to escape.

*The chemicals between us The walls that lie between us Lying in this bed The chemicals displaced There is no lonelier place Than lying in this bed*

He submitted to the guards as they unchained him and dragged him out the door. For a moment he was blinded by the lights of the hall, the pure whiteness of it all. One of the OZ soldiers saw him blinking dimly and the man felt contempt for this boy who could stand a week of torture by Treize, he kicked the boy and watched as he doubled over in pain.

*I want you to remember Everything you said Every driven word Like a hammer, hell, to my head*

In the white room Duo was chained to a post, making him stand up straight and take his punishment for being caught. He stood there in the bright lights, feeling his knees want to buckle. He steeled himself to remain standing. He knew Treize would come soon, with his silent threats and the pain from the torture. Enough to break him, enough to break Heero. He'd already broken anyway. He thought it might have been yesterday; he'd given in to the torture, because he had nothing to hold back. No names, no code words, no addresses. Nothing about the other Gundam Pilots. It was all code names anyway.

*The chemicals between us There is no lonelier place Then lying in this bed The chemicals displaced There is no lonelier place Than lying in this bed*

Duo collapsed onto his cot and let the soldiers tie him down for the night, feeling the crunch of a broken rib. Before he fell in to sleep he felt blood oozing from a cut above his eye. One of the painful things Treize had done, when Duo had distanced himself from the pain. He'd yelled at him to come back to the pain, to live in it, and Duo had. Somehow that had made it easier to survive the day.

*The chemicals between us The chemicals between us Lying in this bed*

Duo woke up in the middle of the night feeling nothing. He felt nothing for the pain in his side, from the broken rib. Somehow he knew it was morning, earlier than dawn. He knew he wouldn't get back to sleep that night and so he law there feeling nothing. There was nothing left emotionally, either. During his training Duo had learned to withstand torture, you either distanced yourself from it or lived in it. The first option being the more acceptable option.

*We're of the hollow men We are the naked ones We never meant you harm Never meant you wrong I'd like to thank All of my lovers, lovers, lovers*

He let his thoughts drift to the other pilots and mentally reviewed procedure for what they'd be doing now. Nothing. They wouldn't come for him, unless they wanted to kill him before he broke. But no one had come for him, to give him a swift death. Which meant they were waiting for him to get out on his own. Sighing Duo dislocated his arm and felt for the lock on the under side of the bed. Using one hand he twisted the combos around until they clicked.

*The chemicals between us The army of achievers Lying in this bed The chemicals displaced There is no lonelier face Than lying in this bed*

Using a part from the lock he twisted the servos in the bolts of his door. Centimeter by centimeter they slid back until the door was no longer blocked. Duo silently got up and walked out, barely favoring his side. the few guards on duty were either asleep or unarmed and Duo slipped past them like the black death he proposed to be. At Treize's luxury suite Duo took the time to stab the small lock tumbler he'd stolen from his bed into the unlocked door, letting Treize know he'd been there. It also locked Treize's door from the outside. Duo smirked and walked on, towards the door outside.

*The chemicals between us The chemicals between us The chemicals*

Duo walked out the door into the early morning dawn. Faintly on the horizon he saw the pink and gold light of the sun. Against the horizon on their very own airfield, stood OZ's worst nightmare; DeathScythe Hell. The idiots had even rebuilt it and repaired it, installing one of the Mercurious shield systems, for one of their pilots. Duo walked across the field and slowly scaled the Gundam, settling into the cockpit.

The dawn was bright gold when he took off.

*The chemicals between us*

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