Title - Dream a little dream of me v.2

Author - MidKnight2501

E-Mail address - MidKnightslair@juno.com

Rating - G

Category - Romance

Pairing (if needed) - Ian and Sara

Warnings - Lyrics from Mamas and the Papas "Dream a little dream of me". If you're wondering why this is Version 2, well I wrote a version one but it fell apart before I finished, so I started an entirely new and different one, with the same song in it.

Spoilers - None, its kinda AU

Summary - Sara has a bad dream and is comforted.

Ian leaned against the rail of Sara's fire escape. In his right pocket he felt the heavy weight of a gun and in the left the also heavy weight of a lock pick set. It had turned out that he didn't need the picks, since she'd slept with her window open.

Tsking at the opportunity she'd afforded other creatures of the night he slipped through the open window and shut it. Pulling a chair up beside her bed he settled in to watch his adversary sleep.

Stars shining bright above you Night breezes seem to whisper "I love you." Birds singing in a sycamore tree Dream a little dream of me...

Studying the line of her jaw and the color of her hair he affirmed what he already knew; Sara Pezzini was a beautiful woman. Dark chestnut hair and a cream complexion. Smart, beautiful, and dangerous, he surmised, seeing the gun poking out from under her pillow. The Witchblade rested on the gentle curve of her wrist, the delicate curves and whorls of the silver beautiful. The red stone glimmered and sworled, trying to let the host know he was present.

Sara snorted and rolled onto her back, mumbling in her sleep.

"Nnnnn, Ian, mmmmppt." Came nonsense murmurs from her dreams. He felt a smile catch his lips and they curled. What male would not be pleased he had entered into a beautiful female's dreams?

Say "Nighty-night." and kiss me Just hold me tight and tell me you'll miss me While I'm alone and blue as can be Dream a little dream of me...

Tension rang up and down her body and Ian felt the mood of the room change. Somehow her dream had shifted to something else. Flopping back over onto her stomach, her outstretched arm landing in his lap.

"Dad? Dad? Whats mnnnn....Dad, no!" she cried out, her cries becoming childlike.

Ian remembered what Kenneth had told him of Sara's father, a cop gunned down in an alley. She'd almost shared the same fate, until he saved her. Sobs now wracked her frame as she curled up on herself.

"Dad...mnnnn...Dad? Why... shoot me?" her tone changed to fear and Sara began to have tremors. "Dad, what...Don't!" she screamed, coming awake at last as the tears welled up.

Stumbling from the bed she slammed into Ian, knocking them both to the floor and straddling him. In reflex the Witchblade came alive, the gauntlet and blade emerging.

"IAN?!" came her startled cry as she began to shake again in fear from her dream.

"Shhh, Its ok, Sara."

Anger gave way to fear and she collapsed, sobbing on him. Holding her to him, he carefully stood and carried her back to the bed. Sara huddled in his arms.

"What happened?" he asked quietly.

"I...Dad was killed again, the snow and the alley...He came at me, with the-the gun..." The Witchblade sobbed to him as he comforted her. Sara's hands tightly clutched his shirt, the blade of the weapon cutting into his neck until he felt warmth drip down the inside of his shirt. Ignoring the pain he held her close until she stopped shuddering.

Stars fading, but I linger on dear Still craving your kiss I'm longing to linger to dawn dear, just saying this...

He felt her relax and there was a subtle sound of metal on metal as the Witchblade shifted back to bracelet form. Sara's death grip on his shirt lessened and she sat back, drying her tears.

"I cut you." She said, startled, seeing his wound. Struggling from his arms, Sara stood, and motioned him to stay there. Moving to the bathroom she came back with a damp cloth and a first aide kit. Despite his manly protests Sara succeeded in making him take off his coat and let her doctor him. With antiseptic burning and wooly gauze taped to his neck, Ian suffered quietly until Sara was yawning and sleepy eyed. Moving off her bed he got her to lay down in it and tucked her in. When Sara was asleep he got up and pulled his coat back on. A tug on it made him turn and he saw Sara watching him, sleepily.

Sweet dreams 'til sunbeams find you Sweet dreams that leave all worries behind you But in your dreams, whatever they be Dream a little dream of me...

"Stay." She whispered, eyes already falling shut as she was claimed by sleep.

When Sara woke in the early morning light Ian Nottingham was asleep beside her, propped against the headboard, his long legs resting beside her on top of the sheets.

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