
By MidKnight

Harry Potter

Notes: Draco Malfoy gets a little flaky at the thought of a sibling.

For the 15MinuteFic Challenge. 1:46 left on the clock.

He knows it's flaky of him, but he falls asleep in the tub anyway. He's been doing it a lot recently, to get away from everything that's been bothering him.

Mum got herself pregnant again, and it's not something he wants to think about. Not about his parents anyway. He's that age, where he knows what goes on, and he's more than eager to join in. But still. He's sure everyone gets wiggy about their parents having sex.

And when he thought 'join in' he didn't mean with his parents.

He might be evil, but he isn't like that.

He's been sleeping in the tub though, just to get away from everyone. Mum walking around the Mansion, acting like she's gone off the deep end, into a field of dasies and giggling a lot, and his father storming about with a ridiculous blush on his face.

He didn't even know the man could blush.

And when he isn't blushing he keeps shaking hands with everyone in sight, like they don't already know about the kid thats going to be due soon.

He thinks it might make sense, hiding from them all like this.

He's been getting posts by Owl, too, from every person he's ever met, congratulating him, like the brat is his.

That's sick. He wonders if anyone thinks he's actually been screwing his Mum. He chuckles, dipping further under the water so it filled his ears and he didn't have to hear anything except for the water dripping and his own blood running through his veins.

Some of the messages are surprising, and that gives him pause. He's not supposed to get surprised. He's in control. Master of the situation. All that rot.

He's not supposed to get weird stick figure drawings from Crabe and Goyle, showing them all holding hands, with the baby-whatever-it-was-sitting on his shoulders. I mean, what the hell is that? Thats the best the Dark Lord has got of his new recruits? People that draw stick figures? He shakes his head, feeling flaky again, and perhaps it's because of the people he's been hanging out with.

On the other hand, the Dark Lord's next right hand man probably shouldn't be getting vague and somewhat shy letters from his arch-nemesis, as he likes to think of the Boy That Lived, wishing good fortune on the birth of a new evil brat. Letters also wishing that he's able to handle the situation, and not feel like his parents don't care about him.

Which is weird, because it was bugging him. If he's the Dark Lord's next right hand man, what the hell do they need another kid for? He's feeling second guessed. Like they need a back-up plan or something in case Draco can't handle the Boy Who Lived all by himself. He's feeling replaceable. Flaky.

Like, maybe, he doesn't have to be evil after all.

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