Written in about an hour....Tell me what you think!! i love and need reviews!!!!! Flame me and i'll send Vampire Heero after you- and it won't be for a good reason!!!


warning: Character deaths, but happy fic!!

Noin sighed, looking out the window to the snow outside the small, warm chalet in the mountains; it had belonged to Zechs. She let her forehead rest against the glass and she sighed, as bitter sadness overwhelmed her. Zechs was gone. She knew it. She'd seen the Tallgeese go down in flames, crashing into the Indian Ocean. Closing her eyes made the loss worse because of the emptiness there, but she did it anyway so she could see him again. He'd had his seventeenth birthday in space, while he'd been on the Peacemillian and she knew there had been no celebration. She remembered the silvery hair that she loved to run her fingers through, and those deep cobalt eyes that she'd learned to read so well. She could read emotions there that never registered on his face. The perfect manners.

She missed him. More than that she had loved him and he had loved her back, spending long sleepless nights together at the Victoria base. They'd been roommates at the academy, taking almost all their classes and studying together. They'd sworn to be together after the war.

Noin's smile turned bitter at that thought. Their promise. She'd sworn to be with him.

She'd sworn and she always stuck to her word.

Noin opened her eyes and slid off the window sill. She stretched for a moment and reached up to tuck her hair behind her ear, before going to the bathroom. In the large spacious bathroom she picked up one of Zechs' shaving razors and took the blade out of it. She barely felt the bite of it at her wrists, then she gently slid down the wall and closed her eyes.

Zechs looked up from beside the bathtub. He'd been sitting on the rim of it, listening to the sound of the snow falling and reminiscing about his death. It hadn't really been that painful when Tallgeese had decompressed; or at least not so much as he would have assumed before he had died. Tallgeese had been within the atmosphere, but the heat being produced by its fall had ruptured the hull. He remembered a brief flash of heat and his ears popping as if he was in a plane. Then nothing.

He watched Noin curiously and got up to move closer. The pale tiled floor below her and the carpet she sat on were dyed rust colored. He knelt on the carpet without the blood staining his clothes and watched as she paled.

"Noin..." He murmured. He'd missed her as much as she had him; he hadn't forgotten their promise, but he hadn't thought of her killing herself over it. Her eyes fluttered weakly and she saw him, her eyes widening slightly. He saw her breath catch, panicking. "Shhh," He murmured, comforting her. "Its alright. There won't be pain." He told her. Her eyes fluttered again and she almost nodded. "Don't be afraid, Noin, my love is with you." He said holding out his hand to her.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I've always loved your hair." Noin murmured as they stood in the snow, together at last, Zechs' hair billowing in the wind. His arms wrapped around her suddenly, pulling her back against him.

"I love everything about you." He answered. Noin smiled. "Forever."

Noin's eyes closed, basking in the warmth of his love.

"Forever." She answered.

the end

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