This is my 4th Gundam Wing fanfic, but the first one done on the computer; Note: I can't spell, it took me half an hour just to spell check this :) But i hope everyone likes it...

Ratings: To start off with this is a threesome story, Heero, Duo, and Relina. It contains bloodplay, if any of you know what that means.

Disclaimer: None of the boys belong to me....Not even the Oz people belong to me.....i mean how fair is that? Only Mana belongs to me, and maybe the Vampire Heero....

and now, with no further pause, i present...


Duo and Relina were alone. Utterly alone. The mission had gone down bad, 20 mobile OZ suits to each Gundam and in the rain no less. Deathscyth and Wing had been back to back when the lightning had struck Wing. A complete freak accident had happened then, something that could not be duplicated or even given odds to. The rain soaked Wing conducted electricity into its fuel cells and exploded. Duo had screamed wordlessly as he watched the wings sheer off from the main body of the Gundam, and it crumpled as it fell. When it hit the ground the arms were torn off, the saber's beam flaring once and then darkness devouring it. There was no chance to check the wreck then as the odds worsened. When the battle was over and the Gundam's victorious, Duo had landed, his shirt soaked with tears, and abandoned Deathscyth to run to Wing on foot. Stumbling over the wreckage he knew there was no way for Heero to be alive. But this was the pilot that had self-detonated and lived, Heero couldn't be dead. Finally he found the chest portion of Wing and saw blackness on its skin ahead of him, scorch marks. As he began to climb he saw the blackness attach to his palms, and then he could smell the metals in it. Blood. It was blood. Enough blood to turn the side of Wing black.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Duo screamed as he tried to denigh the scene before him, and he climbed to the cockpit. The internals of Wing were blood soaked also. And no sign of Heero's body.

After hours of interrogation and debriefing Duo left the base. He stood in the door of the apartment he, Heero, and Relina shared. He was soaked, his hair undone from its braid, limp and wet around him, tears still leaking from his eyes without the harsh irrational sobs. Relina had been sitting at the table trying to read to pass the time until they came back from their mission, her nails tapping at its back cover as she nervously waited. She looked up her eyes seeing Duo and then searching for Heero. She'd jerked away from the table in shock, praying that he was still on the steps and still there was only Duo in the doorway and no one else.

Duo crumpled to the floor first as the pain filled sobs wracked him. In the back round he heard Relina screaming hoarsely, wordlessly as she cried. Eventually he'd crawled to her and put his arms around her, both of them needing Heero. There they'd alternately slept and sobbed as the rain poured in the open door, turning the faded blue carpet black.

Three Months Later

Duo stared at the ceiling blindly waiting for his alarm clock to go off and tell him to report to the base for duty. Beside him in the bed Relina sobbed in her sleep and curled against him. Sitting up in the dim predawn light he studied her. Relina had gotten dangerously thin, the dark eyes apparent in the darkness, her bones sticking out like a starving child; even her hair was limp. She'd lost maybe 20 lbs since Heero had died, three months earlier. Turning his eyes on himself he realized that Quatre's worries were correct, even he was loosing weight, because of a loss of appetite and an endless ability to throw himself into his workouts, to try and beat the workout machines.

Three months since the death of their friend and lover, Heero Yuy. Sighing Duo climbed off the large bed; actually it wasn't that large when three were in it. Now it was lonely. Since the night of his death there'd been no sex and no kissing, neither Duo or Relina in the mood for anything with out Heero. Quatre and Trowa had noticed and kept their kissing and cuddling to a minimum when they were in front of the two.

Slipping into his clothes Duo tightened his belt another notch and walked out into the night darkness heading for the base.

*********************** Dark eyes tracked the Gundam pilot's decent down the stairs and across the parking lot and down the street. Brushing his dark hair out of his eyes, and growling slightly that it grew faster now, he surveyed the boy. He'd lost weight and built muscle until he appeared as a walking skeleton. As the pilot rounded the corner the watcher stepped from the alley to follow him.

Duo crouched into his jacket against the wind and paused to turn up the collar and tuck his braid into it and the figure paused in an alleyway. The breeze brought a scent of Duo to him and the figure inhaled the scent of Duo's unshed blood, something sweet and cheerful but tinged with pain and loss; a bit of the shinigami.

The figure tailed Duo a few more minutes until he reached the military base and then it vanished into the darkness.


In the apartment Relina tightened her arms around the pillow sobbing into it unabashedly, her hair sticking to her cheeks in wet strands as she cried for what they had lost. What she and Duo had lost; Heero, their dark angel. She missed the way he could say things with his eyes, the way he would wrap his arms around her and Duo until they were all crushed together. She missed waking up tangled with the two guys in the bed they all shared.

Crushing herself into the pillow she missed the dark figure at the windowsill, watching her.


Settling into a chair in the briefing room Duo memorized their mission plan instantly. He and Wufei would blow up Electra Base to destroy its weapon manufacturing systems. They geared up silently and as Duo looked up at his Gundam its chest plate darkened until it was blood soaked, running in rivulets with the rain. Duo closed his eyes and pressed his forehead to the metal foot of DeathScyth to wish the nightmare away before he pulled on his ripcord and climbed up to the cockpit. He paused a second and patched his radio into Wufei.

"Wufei?" he asked.

"Yeah?" he answered.

"If something happens to me on the mission Wufei, can you and the guys," he paused almost choked up. "take care of her, for me? She's all alone without me, and I don't know if she could go on…"

"Of course we will, Duo." Wufei answered instantly, sure of the others intentions towards Relina. "We'll take good care of her. Quatre thinks of her as a younger sister."

Duo smiled at that; Quatre had over 50 older sisters. And they all knew he was only older than Relina by a few days.

"Thank you." Duo said shutting the hatch to his Gundam.


Duo walked home silently after the mission was over, purposely ignoring the people around him. He'd seen Trowa and Quatre in the hanger today, Trowa coming home from a mission and Quatre running up to him and jumping into his arms. The full body ache had returned instantly and he thought of Relina pressed between he and Heero. Sharing their kisses and Relina, laying there in the bed afterward, skin against skin against skin, hair in tangles, and fingers entwined. The feel of Heero's or Relina's arm thrown across his bare back.

The thoughts only brought back the pain of Heero's death. They'd been comrades, wing men, a team. Heero the dark and he the light. Friends. Blood brothers. Relina had always hung out with them, so when Heero had kissed Relina, Duo had gone after her too. They'd all been together since then.

Shoving his hands deeper into his pockets Duo stormed right past the ally where the dark eyes stood watching him.


Silently Mana navigated the ally and made a game of playing hopscotch over the garbage as she approached her dark one. He stood near the mouth of the ally either waiting or watching or suffering; she wasn't sure he knew which it was anymore.

"Tell me niisan, why do you linger here? What binds you to this place?" She asked.

The dark one looked down to the girl, she wore a pale blue child's skirt today and a pale blue hat tied with ribbon. She looked like a large doll rather than a child.

"I…" He started. "There is unfinished business, Mana, I cannot leave…"

"Them?" She finished easily for him. "I've already told you what I believe you should do with them, niisan, but I will not press you to it…or anything, ever." She smiled as she turned back to the ally humming a child's jump rope song. "I am eternally grateful, my lost one."


Relina woke up slightly when Duo hit the bed beside her, the thought crossed her mind that it had been many hours since she'd last woke up didn't even phase her. She didn't want to be awake where he was gone; here she didn't give him a name and the boy with the dark eyes came to her every night and he held her and Duo close and promised to never leave them.


At the window the dark eyed watcher stood, though the ground was 20 feet below his boots. He watched the two inside curl against each other to protect themselves from the outside world. From their pain.

Where the lining had peeled from the window he could smell their scents, and his just barely, smell the fear and pain. Their loss and agony. His eyes searched the room methodically and he saw that everything was the same as it had been before, they hadn't even changed the sheets. As Relina rolled the sheets fell away and the watcher hissed in shock. The weight loss was dramatic on her as it had been on Duo, even more so because it had eaten away at her beauty. Relina's once bronze hair was matted yellow without a hint of shine. Her eyes were shut tightly to block out memory and he could see the tears there, tracing familiar paths down her cheeks. Breathing in again he could taste those tears, the salt saline on his tongue.

Pressing a palm to the glass he could feel their body warmth and the repulsion of the rooms.

He wasn't invited. Sighing the dark eyed watcher turned away.


Relina woke up while it was still dark outside and Duo was gone. Sitting up slowly she realized her shirt was stuck to her from her tears, she'd been crying in her sleep. He'd come to her last night, the dark eyed one and he'd demanded that she tell him his name to prove that she loved him. She'd called him Heero and sank into his arms sobbing but he was already gone. He was dead and she couldn't hide from that anymore.

As she stood Relina used the bed for support and then stumbled across the room and fell against the wall.

"Heero…" she sobbed helplessly.

Half a block away the dark watcher opened his eyes, at the sound of his name. He stood easily and climbed out the basement storage room he'd broken into. IN the ally he peered up at the sky judging how much night was left, was it a matter of hours or minutes until the sun rose?

Relina crawled into the bathroom and reached for the cupboards, her hand catching the edge of one and its contents spilled down around her. She pawed through the mess of shampoo bottles and hair combs, until she found one of Heero's razors he had used for shaving. Still sobbing Relina scrabbled with the blade to get a hold on it and slashed her wrist. She fell to the floor sobbing as blood welled up and began to soak the small bathroom carpet.

The dark one looked up suddenly as the scent hit him full force, blood. And coming from the apartment!

"No…" He murmured and ran. He stood with his face and palms plastered to the small window searching for Relina inside. There was nothing, but the heavy scent of blood leaking through the window frame. "No!"

Relina stirred on the floor at the sound of a voice.

"Heero, why did you leave us?" she murmured drowsily. "We miss you Heero. I can't live without you, I have to be with you." Even more quietly this time. "Come for me Heero. Come for us…" She lay down weakly and closed her eyes against the swarming darkness.

Pulling back his fist the dark eyed one smashed through the window and climbed inside, having been given all the invitation he needed. He vaulted over the bed and took in the sight of Relina on the floor surrounded in her own blood. For a moment he reeled fighting the blood lust, steeling himself against the urgent need to feed. Seconds later he dropped to his knees next to Relina, and pulled her into his arms. Her eyes fluttered weakly and she smiled.

"Heero…" she murmured before passing out.

He paused a moment and concentrated on her blood scent to make his fangs grow. Instead of sinking them into her veins he bit into the flesh of his thumb. His blood welled up thickly and he smeared it across her wounded wrist to stop the bleeding. Holding Relina in his arms he waited until her heartbeat stabilized a little before letting her slide out of his arms to the blood soaked floor. Shifting her off the now red carpet he rolled the carpet and carried it to the washing machine and threw it in, then he grabbed a stack of towels and carried them back to the bathroom where he mopped up all of the blood. Finally he stripped Relina of her blood soaked clothes and carried them to the washer before letting it run.

Returning to the bathroom he turned on the bath and let it fill as he stripped off his shirt. Looking to Relina he studied her pallor, gaging how close to death she had been when he had gotten in. Close enough.

When the tub was full he lifted Relina and put her in. Grabbing the soap he began to wash the sleeping girl, and instantly ran into a problem. It was impossible to wash her and hold her at the same time. Stripping off the last of his clothes he climbed into the hot water behind Relina and held her in place with his knees. Grabbing the soap he lathered up her hair and piled it on top of her head before scrubbing down the rest of her. Using his hands he scooped up water and poured it over her head to rinse out the suds. Finally deciding that he was wet also he let Relina lean back against his chest as he washed his own dark hair, which now hung to below his ears. Draining the tub's water he lifted Relina easily in a towel and carried her to the bed. Going back for her hair brush he propped Relina against his chest and slowly began to brush her hair until it was completely detangled. Turning Relina in his arms he brushed his lips at her hairline and she curled into his arms.


The dark eyed watcher woke up when he heard Duo's steps on the stairs. Sliding away from Relina he retrieved his clothes and dressed before jumping out the window.

Duo entered the bedroom and started at the sight of Relina. Her clothes were gone and she was pale, deathly pale. Going to her side he rolled her over and saw the blood staining her wrist.

Sinking to the floor beside the bed he began to sob helplessly. Outside the window the dark one stood watching the scene. He should go in and comfort them, after all he had saved Relina's life and now Duo was in pain. He needed them as much as they needed him. Sighing and realizing that Mana was right, he turned and floated along until he reached the stairs where he sat down to wait.

Mana walked up the stairs slowly, watching him. He'd finally realized that what she had said was right; he should be with them.

"So you've decided?" She asked.

"Relina tried to kill herself." He answered. The Child-Dolls's eyes looked up and instantly tried to hide their shock.

"She will live though?" The dark one nodded.

"You know you have my blessing for whatever you wish for them. Anything and everything. You have all the rights of an elder and can still call on me for help as a childe can. I am greatly indebted to you, niisan."

The images replayed in his mind as he thought of the day he had been walking near the OZ base after surveying their security. The small dark haired child with her puppy he met on the way back. Her question, "Are you lost niisan?". He'd frowned slightly before answering, "I was born lost." When he'd turned away from her she'd followed him with her eyes startled at his answer.

The next day he'd been in battle there and an OZ suit had destroyed the apartment complex where she had been living. Going back after the battle he'd dug through the rubble to find the mangled bodies of her and her puppy. He'd buried them both, never realizing he was burying the body of a 3,000 year old vampire. Under the mound of earth and stone she'd been protected from the sun and had healed, her life saved by a dark eyed perfect soldier.

Then Wing had gone down in a blaze of metal and fire, the pain nocking him unconscious as ribs broke and concussions formed. She'd broken into the cabin and sank her fangs into his dying body to drink his blood and feed him hers to bring him back. Her first way of saying thank you. The second being his absolute freedom instead of being dominated into her wishes as all other children were.

"Thank you, Mana."


After he'd dried his tears and pulled Relina into a long shirt Duo sat in the kitchen staring at the microwave, shocked. Somehow she'd managed to slit her wrists and live through the ordeal; someone had saved her from death. Needing something to calm him down Duo began to pace wildly and finally lashed out at the wall, putting his fist through it.

Finally Duo turned and walked out side, oblivious to the dark figure slouched against the door frame. The second the dark eyes saw Duo the blood lust flared, he'd missed Duo so much; the warm arms, the playful kisses, sometimes sharing Relina, sometimes it was just them. A faint breeze ruffled his dark hair and it slid across his cheek like Duo's touch. He sighed watching the end of Duo's braid softly sway in the air. Silently stepping up behind Duo he spun him around and pressed his lips to Duo's. His fingers strayed into Duo's hair holding him there. For a second Duo froze unsure who he was kissing, and then sank into the embrace pretending it was Heero. His arms rose up around the other boy's neck. The fantasy that he was kissing Heero was easy to complete because this boy kissed the same, all passion and fire, one hand roaming through his hair undoing the braid, the other hand sliding to the small of his back to pull him against those hard stomach muscles. Needing to breath and still overwhelmed Duo kept his eyes closed and leaned his head against the other boy's shoulder, afraid to open his eyes and see someone else. Duo could feel the other boys lips traveling down his throat, nipping slightly at the pulse point. And finally the hands slid to Duo's throat and lifted his face until his mouth claimed Duo's again.

Without thinking Duo wrapped his arms around the boy's neck and pulled away from the kiss, beginning to sob. He was so afraid that when he opened his eyes it would be someone else. Instead of pushing him away that arms tightened around Duo, comforting him. They even rocked him.

"Shhhh…" the other boy whispered holding Duo close, wordlessly understanding what was wrong.

"You're not him…" Duo murmured. "You're not him."

"Shhh, Duo it doesn't matter who I am, I'm here right now." The dark one answered.

"You're not him!" Duo yelled frantically still not opening his eyes.

"Duo look at me." The dark one commanded. "Look at me."

Duo slowly opened his eyes and met the gaze of Heero Yuy.

Duo fainted.


Lowering Duo to the floor Heero smiled at the other pilot, whose arms still clung to him. He shook Duo for a second until his eyes fluttered.

"Duo wake up!" Heero ordered shaking the other pilot.

"Ahhhhhh!" Duo yelped when he opened his eyes. He scrabbled backwards on his hands and feet, to get away from the calm dark eyes that were watching him. Heero's eyes, and Heero's hair, Heero's sculpted cheekbones. Heero was kneeling before him and all he could see was the side of Wing coated in blood, mixing with the rain. Heero reached out and grabbed Duo's ankle and pulled, sending the other pilot sprawling at his feet.

Duo stared up at Heero in something between awe and fear as Heero's hand brushed over his unraveling ponytail to settle at the base of Duo's head before pulling him to his lips again.

Heero could taste the adrenalin on Duo's skin and he knew the other pilot would need time to understand all of this…Even if he didn't know the whole story yet.

"Come on." Heero said getting to his feet and reaching down for Duo's hand. They walked inside together and Heero went to the bed room to check on Relina. Pressing a palm to her throat he could feel how weak her pulse was. "She'll live." He whispered gratefully.

"What happened?" Duo asked sitting on the other side of Relina.

"She tried to kill herself because I wasn't here. I broke in the window and managed to stop the bleeding before she could die." Heero answered.

"What happened to you?" Duo asked.

"The mission?" Heero asked and sighed, unsure of what else to say. Of how to tell them he wasn't human anymore. Duo nodded."Can I tell my story when Relina is better? You're going to need her then." Heero answered.

Duo nodded as Heero scooted upwards and leaned against the headboard. He pulled Relina against his side and wrapped an arm around her, and then opened his other arm to Duo. Duo collapsed against Heero's chest and fell asleep to the feeling of Heero's fingers brushing through his undone hair.


Mana watched from the window sill curiously. Her tiny child's body was beguiling to most, giving her an aire of innocence and youth, rather than the ruthless killer she had been for more than 3,000 years. She had spawned thousands of vampires, killers dominated into acting like puppies at her every beck and call. Thousands of children out there willing to let her do anything with them. Yet here was one she claimed no right to, and held no power over. Heero, the dark one, the perfect soldier was already her favorite after only three months of life. The boy had a mind of his own, headstrong to the last and beautiful. And somewhere under that ice cold exterior there was some sort of compassion that had made him come back after the battle and bury her and Miklos, her puppy.

Returning to her thought path she studied him and the two mortals in the room. Obviously he loved them, from the way he was holding them to himself. Some sort of pride and happiness settled in Mana's heart, and she turned from the window smiling to herself.


Once he was sure Duo was asleep, Heero easily shifted the pilot against his side so he could use both hands on Relina. Lifting one of her pale wrists to his lips he sank his fangs into the tender flesh there, until her blood welled up. Moving quickly he sank his fangs into his own wrist and placed it against hers, letting their bloods mix.

Just after Mana had saved him he stumbled into a flaming piece of Wing, fire had lanced up his arm painfully before the rain put it out. He'd seen the burns before he'd gone to sleep for the day, and when he'd woken up that night his arm was unmarred. Mana had explained about their healing abilities then.

Using the power of his blood he hoped to heal Relina by morning.

Feeling the skin at his wrist tightening as it healed he pulled it away from Relina and watched as her wrist stopped bleeding. Lifting her easily Heero placed her between Duo and himself and curled the other pilot around her, before he fell into his own sleep.


Duo opened his eyes to see Relina curled against him and for a moment thought that Heero had only been a dream, but then he saw the arm draped over Relina and curled against his lower back. He smiled in relief, and then paused to study Relina. Her deathly pallor had gone during the night along with her dark eyes, and a rosy glow lit her features. She was even smiling in her sleep.

Duo reached across Relina until he got a hand around Heero's back and then squeezed, hugging both of them; Relina squinted in her sleep and Heero sat up slightly to smile at Duo.

"How did you sleep?" Heero asked in a whisper.

"Better than I have since your death…" Duo said and let his voice fall as he fumbled for the right words. Heero winced at the reminder of his upcoming explanation. "We cried ourselves to sleep every night, and most of the time we cried in our sleep too."

Leaning over Relina, Heero's hand captured the back of Duo's head and pulled him forward till their lips met.

"I'll never leave either of you again, I promise." Heero answered when Duo paused to catch his breath. "Ever."

Relina took the chance to moan and rub at her eyes, as she woke up. Both boys scooted away from her to give her room, and she opened her eyes slowly.

"Heero!" she cried tears coming to her eyes when she saw him and immediately tried to hug him, but her limp arms refused to work. Instead Heero leaned into her and scooped her into his arms, holding her close, and then opening his arms to pull Duo into the embrace. Relina did manage to swat Heero and he paused startled. "Don't you ever disappear like that again!" She ordered, and he cradled her closer. Tears were dripping down Duo's face and he scrubbed at them cheerfully as Heero propped Relina up on the bed. "Where were you?" she asked and Heero froze as he made eye contact with Duo whose eyes were saying the same thing.

Heero decided to evade the question.

"Duo, lets get her some breakfast." He said instead and got up from the bed, and walked into the kitchen. He played with the toast while Duo hovered behind him, curiously worried as to why Heero was avoiding the subject.

"Whats wrong, Heero?" Duo asked.

"I don't know if I can tell you what happened to me, I don't know how to explain this to either of you." He answered bluntly. Duo's arms were around him in a second, offering him comfort from whatever horrors he must have experienced before coming back to them.

"You tell the truth, Koibito." Duo answered, whispering against Heero's ear. The toaster popped and Heero finished with Relina's toast, buttering it.

Once in the bedroom Heero stripped off his shirt and climbed on the bed facing Relina and Duo who sat against the head board watching him. "Did I tell you about the little girl, ever?" Heero asked and they both shook their heads. "I had been scouting an Oz base and on the way back I met a little girl and she had a puppy with her; she asked me if I was lost. I told her I had been born lost." He paused before going on. "The next day there was a battle there and one of the OZ suits I destroyed flew into the apartment complex she lived at, destroying it. After the mission was over I went and dug through the rubble that night and reburied her body along with the puppy. Dr. J punished me for the show of emotions." He said finishing. Relina's hand rose to his shoulder to comfort him at the death of the single little girl.

"When Wing fell out of the sky I could hear you screaming, Duo." Heero said. "The radio was still working and I could hear you screaming until I hit the ground and the radio died. The force of the collision gave me concussions and broken ribs, several of them puncturing my lungs. With the power gone in the cabin I could barely see, and what I could see was obscured by the blackness growing in my eyes." Heero gulped knowing the rest of the story was insane, "The little girl came for me. She opened the door to the cockpit-"

"But you said she was dead." Relina asked.

"She is dead. She pulled me out of the harnesses and she sank her fangs into my neck to drink my blood. Then she made me drink her blood and she made me a vampire. "

Heero sat there silently waiting for their response.

"What?" Duo asked sure he had misheard Heero's words. Heero looked up and locked gazes with him.

"I'm a vampire." Heero stated finally. Neither of them looked like they were accepting his explanation and so he scooted forward on his hands and knees closer to them; they shrank back slightly. "Put your hands here." He said putting a hand above his heart on his chest. Relina was the first one there, her palm warm against his cool chest. And then Duo. "My heart isn't beating." Heero said giving them and answer. Duo's hand rose to his throat and pressed in against what should have been a pulse point and found nothing.

Relina looked to Duo terrified and Duo nodded confirming what Heero had said; no pulse.

"Her name was Mana and she was repaying me for saving her life when I buried her. Had I not buried her the sun could have killed her in her weaker state." Heero said offering more information to them.

"Heero." Relina wailed and collapsed forward on to him her arms locked around his neck, burying her face in his chest. Pulling her forward into his lap he brushed a hand over her back to soothe her.

"Shhh, its alright, Relina…" He whispered watching Duo who was still flattened against the headboard. The other Gundam pilot fell off the bed when his alarm went off telling him to get to the base for a mission. Without another word Duo ran from the room, only pausing to grab his shoes.

Heero's eyes closed tightly, locking in the pain.


When Duo returned Heero was waiting in the kitchen for him.

"Duo?" Heero asked. The other pilot looked up, his eyes wild and frightened about something inside.

"Don't!" Duo said as Heero stepped out of the shadows and grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him back into the shadows and turned him, so that Duo was trapped between Heero and the wall. "Please don't, Heero!" he cried terrified of some horrible thing he was afraid Heero would do to him.

Ignoring Duo's pleading Heero captured Duo's lips in a hungry kiss that Duo collapsed into, and then halfway through fought and pulled away crying. Heero's fingers wove into Duo's hair and made Duo face him. Kissing the tears from Duo's cheeks Heero began to speak.

"You're afraid of me Duo. You think I'm a monster," His lips claimed Duo's. "But I'm not. I'm the same person that I was." He paused to brush the hair out of the other pilot's face and Duo glared indignantly. "Why are you afraid of me?'

"You're not human. You're going to bite us and kill us like some blood sucking fiend, instead of our Heero." Duo challenged.

"Shhh…" Heero answered, trying to calm his friend. Lifting Duo's chin again he slowly began to kiss all of Duo's face before centering on Duo's tightly shut lips. Minutes later Duo was weakening and finally he gave Heero entrance to his mouth, which the dark boy ravished until Duo was panting blindly. Duo's hands had come up around his back and were kneading the skin there randomly. Tracing down Duo's cheek, Heero strayed to his friend's throat, sucking at the pulse point until Duo was muttering incoherently. Below the skin, Duo's blood was calling to him, throbbing. Finally Heero gave into the blood lust and sank his fangs into the soft skin of Duo's neck. In the background he heard Duo moan painfully and then the moan shifted to blind pleasure; Heero moaned too as Duo's hot blood raced over his tongue, metallic and sweet. They collapsed to the floor in a tangle of arms and legs and Heero released Duo's neck. He paused to lick the wound, suckling at the few drops that were still oozing out.

"Heero…" Was all Duo could think to moan. Heero had bitten him, while he'd been moaning in pleasure and still trying to fight his lover, Heero had bitten him and drank his blood, just like he was afraid he would do. Strangely Duo wasn't afraid anymore, in fact he actually felt pretty good, even a little light headed. Shifting slightly he moved so his head was resting against Heero's silent chest, a goofy grin lighting his face. Heero's hand rose up to trace over Duo's hair and he paused to lick his lips, to clean the blood away. Duo just closed his eyes and kept smiling euphorically. This felt so good, the dizziness, even the pain in his throat, which throbbed slightly. Heero had put his mark on him. Sighing Duo began to speak.

"I was afraid of this, of you…" he said. "And now I can't think why…" He sighed again. "I feel so good…"

"You taste good…" Heero answered making Duo chuckle.

"If that's what we get for kissing, I can't wait for Relina to get better." Duo said and Heero laughed.


Duo opened his eyes a slit when his alarm went off, telling him to get to the base. Honestly he didn't want to move, pinned beneath Heero, his head resting on Relina's bare stomach.

"Duo, I think you have to leave." Heero said, tilting his head to see the clock. "Gee and only after seven hours of sleep all weekend." Relina giggled sleepily.

"I don't want to leave." He answered. "I want to stay like this for the rest of my life. This feels so good." He paused. "Besides you're on top of me, Heero." Heero moved to roll off him and Duo instantly missed the weight on his back. "Yeah, well, then I won't get dressed; they can't send me on a mission if I'm naked."

"Hmmm." Heero said as he got up. "But you have to go save the free universe, Duo."

"Then dress me, 'cause I'm not doing it." Seconds later Heero picked up Duo and carried him into the closet, while Relina watched through slitted eyes laughing. Duo playfully fought Heero and sat on the floor refusing to help; not that it mattered, Heero's strength was more than enough to carry him around and get him dressed at the same time. "Do my hair." Duo said. "I'm not going any where if my hair isn't braided." Sighing cheerfully Heero hefted Duo over his shoulder and carried him into the bathroom before sitting him down on the sink. He quickly brushed out his hair and rebraided it, noting the large hicky he'd put on Duo's neck. While he'd been dressing Duo he'd kept track of all of the other hickies, the one on his lower back, the ones at his wrists and the vein inside the elbow, several on the inside of his thigh. Pausing he licked at the hicky on Duo's neck before picking Duo up and carrying him out to the door. Cheerfully Duo skiped down the stairs towards the base.


Humming at the coffee machine Duo was the image of cheerfulness. He took his steaming cup of coffee over to the counter and began to pour in the sugar. When he was on his twelfth packet of sugar Quatre approached to get some coffee.

"Good Morning!" Duo chirped as he grabbed several more packets of sugar and poured them directly into his mouth. Quatre almost jumped, it had been so long since he had seen Duo happy. Duo had been depressed and lovelorn since the day Heero died. Today he looked like he'd spent the weekend in bed.

"Good-good morning." Quatre answered, seeing the hicky on Duo's neck. Maybe he did spend the weekend in bed…It couldn't be Relina because she was in the same mourning state that he'd been in. And because Duo didn't seem the least bit guilt ridden he doubted that Duo had been unfaithful.

Quatre backed away puzzled and sank into a seat beside Trowa, and instead he ended up in Trowa's lap.

"Well, good morning to you too Quatre." Trowa said as Quatre moved over to an empty seat.

"You notice Duo yet?" Quatre asked and the other pilot's eyes located Duo and surveyed him.

"Where'd he get that?" Trowa demanded.

"That's what I'm wondering." Quatre answered still puzzled.


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