MULTI By MidKnight

Heero sat down at the desk and opened His Laptop. His blessed Laptop. The one true thing besides Wing Zero; his connection to Dr. J. The shiny black plastic components spoke of substance and subtle power, like the aura of a God.

Pressing the power button he closed his eyes and concentrated on the mantra of the fan and the CPU warming up. The beeps it made as it connected to the Internet without a phone cord. Opening his eyes to a slit he surveyed the screen's faultless black background. Icons slowly materialized like ghosts in the night.

Heero began to download his e-mail as something nagged at him. Something was just a hair off, something was wrong. There was a fault somewhere! Heero angrily lunged forward to grab the desk angrily; someone had done something to his computer!

Thats when he heard the giggle.

A high pitched female giggle.

Snarling, he stared at the computer screen just seeing the pair of rather shapely legs hanging off his window bar. Down sizing the window to half size the smiling image of an anime girl appeared on the active window bar. As he watched she blinked her wide green eyes and smiled even more brightly at him. Her hair was the same color as her eyes, a bright glowing green, and she wore a pink and yellow kimono tied at the waist.

Heero glared.

She blinked. And smiled.

Heero moved the mouse pointer over her and right clicked. The grey screen that came up identified her as 'Multi', but no other options appeared. Right clicking again to pull up an actions window, 'Multi' disappeared. He sighed and clicked a cursor into his e-mail program.

Multi blinked and smiled as she reappeared on the window bar.

Heero growled. Pulling up the windows explorer he searched the downloads files and the rest of his system. Multi was no where to be found, but those shapely legs still hung down onto the screen. Down sizing the screen he saw her blink.

"Zakennayo!" he yelled at her slamming his fists down on the table beside the laptop.

Multi blinked and smiled.

the End

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