My FanFiction

In case you don't know what FanFiction is and wanderered in here by mistake I'll try to explain it. Basically the fans of everything in the known universe decided they were angry about being shafted by the Powers that Be (Those Who Run the Media) and decided to take matters into their own hands. They wanted Buffy and Angel back together or they wanted Krycek to finish that kissing scene in the X-Files, so they began to write it themselves. It's not meant to steal copyrights or offend anyone, really, we always disclaim what we write.

I've written FanFiction for about four years, ever since my first Media obsession, known as 'Forever Knight' and have gone on to write in Buffy, Gundam Wing, and most recently, Smallville.


February 14, 2004

New Harry Potter story.

Oh, boy, oh, boy are we getting close to that 7,000th hit. Remember that the offer still stands: Save the front page of the site at that number and email me a copy and you get a story, pairing of your choice! w00t!

Bite Me

Coville's silly and usually morbid webcomic.

Fight Club

Edward Norton. Brad Pitt. Beating each other without shirts on. This is *so* my movie.

Gundam Wing

Way back when, I didn't like slash, and then the boys of G-Wing showed me the light. Amen. Not my best work because it's a few years old and I've changed a lot.

Harry Potter

Ah, the joys of under age wizards.

Lord of the Rings

Hail, Legolas, Queen of Minas Tirith.

Neon Genesis Evangelion

I bet you never thought the end of the world would be this cool. Or be handled by people with this many issues and hang-ups.


Be horrified. I *do* write original.

Pirates of the Caribbean

Ever think about what 'Walk the plank' might really mean? Kinda kinky, isn't it?


Does it rhyme? No. Are you supposed to applaud? Yes.


To the Random fandoms, such as The Last Samurai.


The fact that I am a girl will not discourage me from dressing up as Lex Luthor at an anime con.

Vamp Chron

Be surprised! I've been reading these for six years and have a grand total of one fic!

Vampire Game

Vampire Game! Vampire Game! Lets all play the Vampire Game!


I still don't understand why she didn't wear the Witchblade Bikini all season.

Witch Hunter Robin

One of the newest animes in japan. This may be the first fanfic for it. Yay me!

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