A Definite Plan In Life

Clark and Chloe were in the Torch offices when the subject came up. Later on neither could remember how it all started.

“So, Clark, do you have some big plan for your life?” She asked, shutting down programs and powering off the computer.

“Plan? Like college?” She laughed as held out her purse for her.

“No, I meant,” He looked bewildered and she tried to clarify what she was asking. “Like a philosophy. Sort of like a New Year’s Resolution.”

“Oh.” He locked the door to the office for her and handed back the keys, thinking as they walked down the halls of their high school. “Do you mean eat less, or become one with the universe more?” This time Chloe laughed, her blonde hair bobbing.

“The universe one.”

“Ah, so it is a philosophy.” He bows his head as they walk, studying the floor. “I guess so.”

“What is it?”

“Well,” And he’s blushing, which Chloe can’t believe. “The first thing is, I say nice things about myself. Like ‘I am good at delivering vegetables to buyers.’ Is this for an article?” He turns a suspicious eye on the blonde.

“No. I was just wondering.” Honest smile and they go down the stairs on their way out of school. Clark nods.

“Then I do nice things for myself.” He wiggles his eyebrows deviously and Chloe chokes in surprise at his bold statement. He blushes a second later, so it’s ok.

“Is there a third thing?” By now they’re in front of the school, in the courtyard.

“Well,” He glances to the sides like someone might be listening in on them, trying to steal his plan for happiness; even leans in to whisper in her ear. “I find someone to buy nice things for me.”

And for a second Chloe is totally confused. It must show on her face because he pats her on the shoulder in an understanding way and winks before turning around and running off towards the low slung silver sports car parked at the curb.

“Lex!” He yells, waving.

She bursts out laughing seconds later, getting Clark’s life philosophy. Maybe she needs to try it out sometime, if there are anymore hottie billionaires running around Smallville, somewhere.

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