
Good lord. You know, when I first started watching the show I didn't know it was about Superman? I thought maybe a Hellmouth had opened up in Kansas or something (maybe it has) and that was how everyone was doing everything. This has to be the SLASHIEST show ever. I can't even see the het couples on this...

Go here for my CLFF Challenges

48 Seconds in the mind of a masturbating teenage boy

Yes, it is exactly what it says it is. This was for a zine challenge.

After Lies

Clark lies. Lex throws things. Neat.

A definate plan in life

Taken from the daily office affirmations. Clark is a man of goals.

Chocolate Syrup and Stripping

Formerly titled, 'What are you doing?'.

Clark's Capture

Lex goes evil and kidnaps Clark so he can do some experiments.

Cue the Guitars

Me First and the Gimmie Gimmies make an appearance on Smallville.

Getting Leied

My trip to Hawaii inspiried this little story.

Love is about Risks

Based on a quote by the bald hottie. I couldn't resist.

Little Red Riding Clark and the Big Bad Wolf

An old tale re-told.


Lex has a moment with the dead. Possible Squick alert.

Seeking Kewl Dude

Clark is just a little confused.

Sharing Secrets

Lex and Clark loose clothing and secrets.

The Sly Theif of Valensais

Lex tells Clark a story.


He is. No, really, he is.


Fluffy, sappy, stuff. Lex does some remembering while petting someone.

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