Title: On playing Strip Poker with Pirates

Author: MidKnight

Email: MidKnightslair@juno.com

Messengers: AIM: MidKnight2501 ICQ: 230996890 Yahoo: MidKnight2501

Rating: Er. Lets go with an 'R'. Just because it's all dialogue.

Disclaimer: I don't own anyone or anything from Pirates of the Caribbean. As much as I'd like to have Jack Sparrow and Will Turner as my sex slaves, scurrying about wearing only collars, and taking care of my every need...

“I swear to god boy, I'll gut you.”

“But I-”

“We had a deal. You knew the rules.”


“No 'buts' Will. You have to do it.”

“But its the only article of clothing I have left!”

“I know. Believe me, I know.”

“What did you just whisper?”


“Why do I have to take my shirt off?”

“Will, you can't be that drunk, can you?”

“Was I drinking?”



“What were we talking about, again?”

“You were going to take your shirt off.”


“Because you lost your last hand in strip poker.”



“'Well' what?”

“Are you going to take the shirt off?”

“Oh. Yeah, I guess.”


“You're staring.”

“I'm a pirate; I'm allowed to.”

“Oh. Can I have some more rum?”

“Oh, I certainly think some more rum is in order.”

“Wow, I feel kinda funny.”

“Rum will do that to you. Here, you better lay down.”

“But this is your bed. I don't want to be in the way.”

“You won't be in the way, Will.”

“Oh. Ok.”

“Good night, Will.”

“Goodnight, Jack.”




“You're really warm.”


“You smell good, Jack, like coconuts and the ocean.”



“Since you're going off to rescue Elizabeth...”


“Should you be doing that?”

“Doing what?”


“Oh. Thats just some trick I learned from a sailor, years ago.”

“Mother of God.”

“I thought so too, when he first did that to me.”


“I'm sure she won't mind...As long as I share you.”

“Share? Sweet...Christ!”

“Yeah, she's got this whole pirate thing...Wants to be the damsel in distress, wicked pirates, raunchy sex acts, the whole bit.”


“So, you wanna be in a threesome?”

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