Well, its time for finals in my school, and well, instead of taking notes on grammatical usage in English I felt like writing :) This is the result of my Lit Book and my Boredom.

Disclaimer: I own NOTHING!!!! Duo and Heero are not mine and if they were they would not be in a story, they'd be handcuffed to my bed :) Gundam Wing is not mine and neither is the poem....The Poem is called 'I am offering this Poem' and its by Jimmy Santiago Baca and is encased in stars.

Untitled By MidKnight

So maybe the war was over. The earth and space united, and White Fang assimilated into the whole. Heero sat silently in a dusty cabin in the woods. He had been here a year and a half ago with Duo and they'd been smashing drunk.

*I am offering this poem to you since I have nothing else to give. Keep it like a warm coat when winter comes to cover you, or like a pair of thick socks the cold cannot bite through, I love you,*

One week after that Duo had been tortured to death by OZ. DeathScythe had been blown up in outer space as a desperate show of power, which the Gundams ignored, even as Shinigami's debris had clattered against the armor of their Gundams.

*I have nothing else to give you, so it is a pot of yellow corn to warm your belly in winter it is a scarf for your head, to wear over your head, to tie around your face, I love you,*

Heero had slipped out of the Formal Victory party to come to the cabin, to sit in its silence. On one of the cots he found a pillow, and on it a single long bronze hair. The last of a great warrior.

*Keep it, treasure this as you would if you were lost, needing direction, in the wilderness life becomes when mature, and in the corner of your drawer, tucked away like a cabin or hogan in dense trees, come knocking, and I will answer, give you directions, and let you warm yourself by the fire, rest by this fire, and make you feel safe, I love you,*

Heero delicately rolled the hair and pushed it into one of his pockets, determined to save it. Turning to the window he looked out the shutters to the growing darkness. In the distance, through the trees, he could see the lights of Wing Zero beckoning him back. Back to the future they'd all fought for, the future Duo had died for. "Sayoo nara, Duo-sama." Heero murmured patting his pocket and walking into the darkness.

*It's all I have to give, and all anyone needs to live, and to go on living inside, when the world outside no longer cares if you live or die; remember, I love you.*


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