Vampire Game

Princess Ishtar on the left, Duzzel, the Vampire King, on the right. Can we say, 'threesome'?

Vampire Game, a manga by Judal has little to no presence on the net. Regardless, it kicks ass. Hot guys, slinky girls, sexy crossdressers, and a demonically inclined vampire cat who's out for some really unholy revenge.

Basic plotline: About a hundred years ago the Vampire King and the Holy Knight St. Phelios got in a war. Phelios unleashed a major curse, killing both of them. With his final breath the vampire swore they'd both be reincarnated to fight it out again. Time passes, the stars align, and the Vampire King comes back as a.... Kitten?! Stuck in a form of infernal cuteness the Vampire is adopted by none other than his rival's Great-Grand Daughter, who, learning of his true nature offers to help him with his quest. Turns out the Princess Ishtar isn't too fond of Phelios herself.

Deep Sleep Falleth

" In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instructions." words of Elihu, in Job 33.15

Well, at least he knows what he's supposed to do. Or *who*.


Ishtar behaves like herself. Darres is nowhere to be found. And Vampires are running around the castle.

It's the usual thing. Kinda.

For the person who emailed me.

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