Witchblade the TV Show

Ok, so it had nothing to do with the comic. Who cares! ^_^ The Ian/Irons action was enough for me, and can I just say that Sara in drag was way too cool.

Sorry. It was. ^_^ Boy-Sara kissed Boy-Jake in a gay bar. I don't know, it was just really too funny.

A Bad Day gets Worse

Sara gets visited by two drunk men. They sing. Sara cringes in horror.

Dream a little dream of me

Nightmares get a little easier to bear when you have someone to hold you.

A little singing never hurt

Ian sings a dirty song and Sara hears. You may not want to drink anything while reading this.

Lethal and Loyal

Some things should never be said.


Ian ponders his realtionship with Ken.

Too Sexy

Kenn dances. Be horrified and drink not for your pc shall not survive!

Virgin Auction

Sara gets bought at the Rocky Horror. But who does the buying?

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