For too long now I have visited webpages where fluffy bunny new-agers don't tell the truth or only tell half truths. It seems to me that some Pagans mostly Wiccans claim things that aren't exactly true. They make such claims as.....Wicca is the "old religion" and Wicca is the ancient religion of the Celts. |
These pages will hopefully demonstrate some of the unethical behavior of some Wiccans and Pagans. I am a Witch and to be honest I created these pages because i'm fed up with the fluffy bunnies calling Wicca WitchCraft. It makes me wonder if they have ever read anything that wasn't being pushed by Llewellyn publications. |
You can spot a new-ager right away. Either they are waving crystals around or they are bashing Christianity now to be fair i'm not a big fan of that religion either ......but it seems to me that they are doing the exact same thing that they claim is being done to them. Some Wiccans go out of their way to portray themselves as a downtrodden people when the reality is they aren't nearly as downtrodden as the Christians they seem to dislike! Don't believe me???? look it up!! |
Let us also examine the "Wiccan Rede" this piece of work was written in mid 1900's yet it reads like olde english. Alot of traditional pagans think the "Wiccan Rede" is laughable......why???? becuase it effectively ties your hands I mean I have been a Witch for quite a while and I had never even heard of the "Wiccan Rede" until maybe 6 months ago. The ending line is "An it harm none, Do what thou Wilt" nice concept but the reality is it doesn't work! Why??? because there comes a time where you will have to "use what you know" provided you don't get your work from a fluffy bunny writer. The fact of the matter is Rede basically means advice......not rule. |