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This is the missing scene between Tara and Sirius in the staffroom for part 13 of Snake Charming (Touched).

*~* Retouched *~*

In a certain staffroom at a certain school of witchcraft and wizardry...

He cupped the side of her face and descended on her mouth. Tara kissed him back for a full, agonizing ten
seconds before her brain took over again, and she wrenched her mouth from his.

"No." She cried, sounding like she was in pain.


She was kissing his face.

"We can't."

She sure wasn't acting like she couldn't. He buried his face against the column of her throat and sighed. She

"I'm sorry." He muttered. "I don't know what it is about you. It's compounded by watching Snape and Rosenberg
try to flirt covertly."

"You're jealous." She said in awe.

"Of them being able to be open with one another? Hell yes."

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." She was shaking.

Sirius pulled her over to a couch the was set near the fireplace. They sat side by side.

"It's all right." He said rubbing her back.

Tara looked at him with wide eyes. "I'm scared to... have you... to let you... and I'm petrified of never knowing."

"Do you know what it's like to watch you... to never... to know I can't..." He wasn't even looking at her face
anymore. His eyes had fallen to the floor.

Tara took his stubble-y chin in her hand and made him look at her. There was so much of him that was rough
and coarse. Not like a woman. He was unknown territory. Dare she know it? Could she handle going through
the rest of her life wondering 'what if' in she didn't know it?

"Can't you?"


Sirius watched as she shrugged out of her robes and started unbuttoning her blouse.

"Tara, what are you doing?" His eyebrows were furrowing. Had he suddenly started hallucinating? It was a
damn good hallucination if he had.

"Showing you what you can t-touch." She was shaking like a leaf in a wind storm.


"Shh." She placed two fingers to his lips.

Sirius grabbed her wrist and gently moved her hand away. "This is a dangerous game you're playing, little girl."

"I'm n-not playing. And d-don't call me little girl."

"Once we start, I don't stop."

"I'm counting on it." She chewed her bottom lip a bit. "Just don't be rough with me. I've never... not with..."

"I know."

"Shouldn't we move this... elsewhere?"

"Locking charm on the door."

"It just feel so, you know, open in here." But the he started kissing her again, and she wasn't thinking about how
'open' the room was.

And neither of them seemed to remember the staffroom fireplace was the one set up too the floo network as
Sirius leaned Tara back into the sofa they were on.

There was barely enough room for the both of them on the sofa. One of his hands had settled over one of her
breasts. It near burned her through her bra.


"Are my hands too rough? I would hate to redden this perfectly creamy skin of yours."

"I think I'll survive." She said in a shaky voice as she shoved his 'Moody' robes off his shoulders and began
fussing with the buttons of the off-white cotton shirt he wore underneath.

Sirius covered her shaking hands with his. He helped her with those pesky buttons. Tara shoved the shirt off of
his shoulders, and Sirius tossed it to the floor. Her eyes went a bit wide.

"I didn't mean I would not stop. We can stop if you like."

"No I... I'm uncertain."


"Well, you aren't..."

He suddenly understood. "What would you do if I were a woman?"

"This." Tara arched up and licked one of his nipples.

She nearly giggled at his face. You'd think he'd never had his chest licked before. Sirius was frozen, quite
shirtless, eyes closed, mouth hanging open, head cocked to the side a bit... wearing threadbare pants and one
sock and one shoe.


"I could do it again." She said in a more relaxed tone.

How had she not realized he might be just as nervous about this as she was?

"If it would please you. I know it would please me. We can continue this 'if Sirius were a woman' game only so
far before it will become quite apparent that I am, in fact, NOT a woman."

Tara giggled and moved one of her thighs. "That's already obvious."

"If you are wanting to get out of this situation, you are definitely going about it the wrong way."

"Who said I wanted 'out'? I've tried 'out'. Maybe I'd like to try 'in' now."

"You know, as ridiculous as that statement was, it will likely remain as the most arousing come on of my entire

Tara giggled.

"Now, madam, if I could be so bold as to relieve you..."

More giggling.

"Of your pants."

"What about you?"

"I think my pants need to stay on for now. I'd hate for you to discover I'm not a woman before I've seduced
beyond the point of caring."

Tara started giggling again, but that soon turned to little gasps as he kissed his way down her body to the
button of her slacks. He immediately unbuttoned and unzipped them. Tara lifted her hips slightly and he pulled
them down, over curved hips and shapely legs, kissing every little bit of skin he uncovered.

Tara just closed her eyes as he removed her shoes and socks and kissed her feet. It was a dirty gross thing to
kiss on a person, but he made it seem like every part of her was a wonder to touch or taste.

She was quite laying there in just her bra and panties.

Sirius leaned back on his heels and stared. This was a lovely woman. Not rail-thin. She had such curves and
dips to her. Flesh. He'd always liked a girl who had a bit of something to grab on to. And grab he would. Sirius
took a finger and started at her hairline. Tara sucked in air sharply when he touched her but did not open her

He trailed it down between arched brows and over the tip of her nose. That finger paused to let the thumb rub
across her bottom lip before it continued down her chin and under to the dip in her throat. It made caressing
love to her collar bone for mere seconds until it continued down between the valley of her breasts where it
paused to flick the clasp, thankfully front, of her bra open. The finger did not touch those breasts... yet. It moved
down across her belly and circled her belly button. The finger traveled down her abdomen and into the curls and
the apex of her.

Then it touched. It touched places only women had touched. It went into places only women's fingers had been

Tara's head dropped to the side as she chewed her bottom lip. It was beyond nice. Beautiful tension was
building. She didn't have to see. All she did was feel. Fingers moving in her body, a thumb pressing down on
her nerve endings... just the way she liked it. He had not even asked. Then a hot mouth settled over one of her
nipples, and Tara cried out in pleasure.

But she did not open her eyes. Not yet.

She could feel the stubble of his face on her breast, the coarse knobby maleness of his fingers moving in and
out of her, the callus on his thumb as it rubbed in small circles, making her gasp... and pant... and whimper.
Dear goddess, this man knew what he was about with her body. Or was it just women's bodies in general? And
did she even care? And how was she supposed to think when he was...

Tara gasped and opened her eyes.

She pulled him up to her face by his hair. Sirius was staring down at her with hooded eyes. Like he was drunk
on her or something.

She liked it a lot. It made her heart start pounding even faster. Her hands fumbled with the buttons on his pants.
His hand joined hers, and Tara groaned at the removal of them from certain parts of her.

Then she groaned for another reason.

Her body was not used to the part of him that was being pushed at an agonizing pace into her. Sirius nudged
her face up with his nose, the way a dog might, and claimed her mouth as his body settled down and into hers
fully. His tongue swirled against hers, savoring every touch. His fingertips stroked her collarbone then moved
down to caress her breast.

Was that it? She wondered and nearly wondered it aloud until he drew back, then moved forward again. So


There weren't words for Sirius. Not even sounds. Her eyes were wide with wonder. With feeling. It had been a
long while since he'd had good sex. But this was getting better than good. This wasn't stolen moments with
ladies of questionable reputation in bars or schoolboy fumblings in the Astronomy tower. This was her stealing
his soul. He could not remember a woman being like this with him, opening herself to him like she was through
those eyes. They said more than anything ever could.


"Please... please please."

"Please what?"

"I... I don't know."

"I think you do. I think we both do. Do you trust me?"

"You know that I do. Don't you?"


"I trust you. I do."

"Hang on then."

He took her legs and wrapped them around him. Tara rested her feet on the backs of his thighs as he started
movement. Delicious friction. She gasped with it. It was wonderful that things could feel like this. Their bodies
were sliding against each other, slicked with sweat already. His arms were braced on either side of her head
as her hands roamed freely over his back. All the while he moved, and she answered him. Sirius lowered his
forehead to hers and stared into her eyes.

Ever whimper, every moan, every sound of pleasure echoed in those eyes of hers. Like ripples in a pond, they
intensified. He grit his teeth to withstand the wait for her. It had been too long since he'd touched and tasted.
Her calm-like passion that reflected with intensity in those eyes made it all the worse for lasting.

His movements became rougher, more urgent, and sounds began escaping his throat. He buried his face in
her soft neck and moved in abandon. Tara's hands were on his shoulder and cupping his head, fingers in his
sweaty hair. Her lips were against his ear, vibrating with sounds of pleasure. Each thrust of his was
accompanied by a growl against her pulse and a moan of ecstasy from her lips.

He couldn't quite seem to... Their bodies were making a wet slapping noise. He grabbed her knee and moved
her thigh a bit wider. This shifted how he was moving into her body, and Tara keened in surprise. He'd just
touched something enough times or in the right way that her whole being tumbled over the edge of the orgasm
she'd been dancing on. He pulled back a bit to stare in her face as he continued to pump into her. Her mouth
was open, and she was staring at nothing. Her body gave an involuntary twitch, making her back arch a bit.
Sirius shouted something incoherent as he came. His body riding it out until he was spent and sank down onto

Both of them just laid there breathing heavily for a moment.

His face was buried against her collar, his lips mere inches from her breast. She was holding on to him as tight
as her sweaty arms would allow. They were still much entwined and... interlocked.

"That wasn't at all unpleasant." She murmured.

He lifted his head up to look at her. "Did you think it would be?"

"I didn't know what I thought."

"Are you..."

"Still humming? Yes."

"I was going to say all right. I wasn't too rough?"

"Well, I wouldn't expect coherent thought anytime soon, but I think I'm languid just now. Yes... languid. No, you
were not too rough. You were just the right amount of rough. I think I liked the man sex. I think I would like more
of it."

He glared at her.

"With YOU. I don't think it would be the same with anyone else."

"You better never decide to find out."

"Did you like it?"

"Wasn't that obvious?"

"Definitely NOT a woman." Tara muttered.

Sirius chuckled at that as he began to move off of her. Tara shivered at the loss of heat.


He leaned back down and pressed his body to hers. Tara shivered again, as she could feel certain parts of him
were not as tired as the rest.

"Are you..." She started.

"Ready for another go? With you? HELL yes."

Then she heard a strange sound and peered over Sirius's shoulder as the orange-y glow of the fire in the
staffroom went quite green.

"Oh no."


Sirius looked over his shoulder as three people tumbled out of the floo. He bit back his groan as Tara dove for
their clothing. Another go would have to wait until another time.

And seeing her cute shapely arse in the air while she grabbed articles to redress the both of them was not
helping him with the having to wait. Especially when he was getting distracted by thoughts of placing a love-bite
on said derriere.

But his new lover killed all that noise when she began tossing clothes in his direction, and his trousers hit him
square in the face.


end smut