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This is the winner of the teaser quiz we sent out this month:


His answer was:

The boy and his friends were playing baseball. They were helling at him to go "home" (base).

Click here to read the full story

[Editor's note-We haven't edited out the word"helling". Rather than a spelling mistake, it seems a nice word for the situation! Shauvik is the first to come closest to the right answer. Bas is second.]

In October, we sent out a riddle based on a true story. This was the question:

This is for you kids.This is a riddle based on a true story. And to win, you have to send in your answer right away.Here it is:

There's a kid who comes to America from Asia. At his new school, he's playing a game with his class when the kids start to shout, "Go home! Go home!"
Now he's wondering- what did I do?The question you have to answer is:
Why were the kids shouting at him to go home? Choose from one of the following:
1. They didn't like kids from Asia.
2. They thought he may be a terrorist.
3. It was time to go home.
4. Another reason- which you have to explain.

These are the other answers we got. They're fun too- THANKS FOR PARTICIPATING!

* His mom had called school telling someone in the office who had in turn told his classmates to tell him to go home early due to some family reason.

* I think the children were simply repeating what they heard at home; thinking that all strangers are potential terrorists therefore the answer should be number 2. I hope this young boy wasn't you. Here too [France] they look at strangers with suspicion.

Thank you for the kind words. It does happen, but this story was not one of the times.


© Meenakshi Suri