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International Children's Day

June 1 is International Children's Day in many countries.
It is a holiday in Angola, Cambodia, China, Laos, and Mongolia (where it is called Women's and Children's Day)

There are celebrations in Poland. International Children's Day-means gifts and fun. June 1 every year, Warsaw hosts numerous events and celebrations for the whole family.

South Africa observes the day too. This is a time the government thinks of the disadvantaged children.

In Vietnam Women's and Children's Day is June 6th

How did kids from Ecuador,India,and the U.S.A. celebrate International Kids' Day?

If you have information about this day, we would love to hear from you!

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Vietnam- June 2002
International Children's Day


How did kids from Ecuador, India and America celebrate international children's day?

At the Suri residence they played different musical pieces on their instruments.
We had the violin, the saxophone and the piano.
And an adult played on the cello. She is my sister's violin teacher and her name is Dr. Linda Bustamante.
And we had food and desserts such as key lime pie after the music.

Raghav Suri


On June 1st, our family friends came to meet my Nanaji and Nanima [my grandparents]. This is the first time they've been to Miami.

Some people played the piano, some people played violin and some people played the saxophone.

Do you know something funny? We didn't know it was International Children's Day when we called everyone.
But when my mummy was preparing our speeches, we realized that it was already such a special day.

Yashodhara, age 8


Children's Day - Japan
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