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Children's Day in New Zealand

I see the mind of a 5-year-old as a volcano with two vents: destructiveness and creativeness.
Sylvia Ashton-Warner (1908-1984) born on Dec 17 New Zealander educator, writer, novelist, poet. She was known for her innovative work in adapting traditional British teaching methods to the special needs of Maori children.
Four years ago, New Zealand decided to celebrate Children's Day in October.

This year it is on 26th October.

Every year there is a different theme and symbol.

The symbol for 2003 is the bat

The theme is "Listening and talking"

A book should be like a mirror which tells children how brave and beautiful they are.” .
The day I’m no longer with children is the day I stop writing for them because the energy flow comes from them and goes back to them.
Joy Cowley, author of the Mrs. Wishy Washy tales and many other children's books.

The truth is that I am enslaved . . . in one vast love affair with 70 children.
Sylvia Ashton-Warner (1908-1984)

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