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Raghav Suri

FLASH! I went for three weeks to a photography camp at Scholastica arts studio. I’m glad I chose that over the fitness camp because I have learnt to use a manual camera- and had a lot of fun.

My teacher Bill taught us how to take out the lens, how to use a zoom lens, how to load film, and how to develop, process, and print black and white film. I learned the different parts of the camera: the light meter, the aperture ring, and the lens. I also learned how to focus, and adjust the shutter speed in different lights. This was the first time that I took black and white photos. Did you know that you have to be really careful that your subject is much darker or lighter than the background?

Here is a tip about taking good pictures

Your shutter speed needs to be faster than the object that’s moving- so that you get the object and the background in focus; or just the object in focus and background blurred- and vice versa.

Chris, Erika, Travis and Cody were also in my class. We’d listen to the radio in the darkroom. At 11 o'clock we had pizza. Every day we went to the gas station to buy a drink. One day I had a Red Bull, which was sour but good. Next time I try it I won’t have too much. I normally got my favorite soda- 7up which had a promotion. Each day the cap said, “Please try again” and I didn’t win anything. But one day the cap said "Winner".

I yelled, “I won!” so loud that I nearly deafened Chris [so he says!]. By mistake I threw away the winning cap. The next day I went back with trepidation- but it was right there! I yelled, “Yes!” Thank God they didn’t throw away the garbage.

My sister learned multimedia in the same studio. One day I took a picture of her on the pottery wheel. But the light was bad, and the picture was just black. Photography was really fun. I wish I could go to photography every single summer. It’s too bad that Scholastica are closing. But a new art studio is opening up – let’s hope they have photography classes.

You can see my photos by clicking on “slideshow”.


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