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News for Kidz: QuickQuestion

Today's QuickQuestion:

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These are some of the topics that you can write about. Remember, you are free to write any news that you want to share with other kids.
It has to be something that really happened to you.

We asked answered

What are your favorite T.V. shows? What T.V. shows did your parents like when they were your age?

How do your teachers punish you [if you do something wrong?] How did your parents get punished?

What do you do in your free time? What did your parents do when they were your age?

What do you call the class you're in, at school: standard? Grade? Class? Or something else?

When do you have your vacations? What are your plans?
And what did your parents do on their vacations?

How to write news

Do you celebrate something this month: a festival or birthday? Write all about it

What do you want to be when you grow up: Why?

Write about your favorite person or pet : When you met them, what you do together, happy and sad memories, things you like or dislike about them, how you feel when you are with them.

Describe all that you did yesterday from the time you woke till the time you slept. Even if it was a usual day, it's news!

What is your dream school?

What do you call your grandfathers and grandmothers? If there is a special name you have for them, how come?

What did you do on your last birthday?

Is it better to be a child now, or was it better when your parents were kids?
What do you think? Tell us at least one thing that's better now and one that is worse now. Ask your mom and dad what they think. Ask them to tell you at least one thing that was better then and one thing that was worse then.
And- while you're about it- ask your grandparents what they think!


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