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Heather O!

This is Heather. She really isn't as scary as she looks... and I think most of those peircing aren't real. But I couldn't find any other pictures of her on my computer. I'm gonna have to steal some of Deanna's pictures, so I can get some decent footage on this bad boy.
Anyway, Heather is basically the exact opposite of me, she's loud, and way out there, but that's why we all love her so much. Just because she is so loud and out there. Really, I don't know what I would do without her sometimes. She's really funny, and obnoxios.
Her and Deanna are super good friends, and Heather is the reason I met Deanna, and the only reason I met Heaher was because she sat with Patshy and Gianna at lunch, and I had Art with them. And she only talked to me because she wanted to switch seats with me because the guy next to her kept elbowing her during lunch. And thus we became friends. Which we still are to this day. :-D
