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It's all about me... no... really it is.

Howdy all who venture this far. Ich Heisse Sammie. You all know who I am. This is just a lil page about me, because you know- this is my web site. Just so all f you know- I'll have a guestbook soon, so you can all bitch at me about what I should change.
I'm a 16 year old girl, and I peak 4'11 3/4, but on my permit t says 5' tall. No one knows any different Except me. Anywho, I'm a junior at Navarre High School, where I sleep a lot and go to lunch... oh yeah- and I have classes sometimes.
I have a lot of pets, and 4 brothers and sisters. I live in a double wide (ick) that happens to have 6 bedrooms to accomodate all of us children. I am the oldest.
I like to hang out with all my good old buddies, hehe, and you can view the likes of them on my friends page- which is very interesting. Much MUCH more interesting than me. So, GO! Damnit.
