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I don't have a title for this one.

Does it hurt when I do that to you?
You wouldn't know cause pain doesn't touch you.
You did it to me and you will never know.
How much hurt can I take from you, too?

Guilt trip me until I cry.
I just want to curl up and rot.
I get depressed and want to slit my wrist.
All because you got pissed off.

I didn't do much.
I asked you anyway.
You told me you hate me.

Cold fills my veins.
Heat fills my head.
Now that we have done this things are different.
I don't think I can handle this.

We never should have done it.
You get jealous too easy.
You hurt me with comments.
You told everyone.

Now I am disgraced because my mother found out.
My brother and sister they believe it too.
My father disowned me and doesn't speak a word.
Because of a guilt trip.

Suicide if I leave you.
Hurt me if I don't.
I can't help but feel it.
I hate you.
