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Pictures and Stories From Visitors

welcome to the Submited Photos and Stories Page !

This Page is dedicated to people who have pictures and stories they wish to share with us . So if you have things that are out of the ordinary and would like them posted on this site please sent them to the email below , Thank you .


1)--Priest with strange light in the background ,France .

2)--Photos From Pennyffordd Farm , North Of Wales , Uk .

3)--Orb photos from the metal band SINFEST , California , USA .

4)--Orb photograph from Georgia , USA .

5)--Orb photographes from Ottawa International Hostel , Ottawa , Canada .

6)--Orb photographes from a Cathedral In Montreal ,Canada .

7)--Nightclub streaks of Light.

8)--Orbs photographes from Mirabel ,Canada .

9)--Orbs shots from the states.

10)--More orbs from Chantal of Mirabel ,Canada(2 pictures 3 & 4).

11)--Orb picture from Alicia ,USA.

12)--The Ghost Of The Old Dow Brewery Of Montreal, Canada

13)--Orb shots from The Loire Valley in France & a shot of a Orb from a residence in the Bahamas.

14)--Unkown Guest shot From Melissa , Montreal , Canada

** Please note that you are NOT allowed to copy any of these pictures without the proper permission of their owners, Thank You **

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