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Ghosts and hauntings picking up technics

The following are things that needs to be remembered when going out to take a look at houses that suppose to be haunted or just going out to see if one can tell which house is haunted and which isn't :

First and most important thing to follow is to stay calm inside , not to be excited whatsoever about what you're doing or what you might see , just complete calmness inside and nothing else . And even if you feel something from a house just stay calm . This is important because our soul's forces expends instantly during a emotional experience and tend to cover the object of our experience and also mix with it , and that should be avoided here .

This can be noticed during a argument between two people for example . No need for both of them to be angry , just one is enough because the one with the agitated forces will engulf the other person with his energies and make them his , and so with that both of them are angry now. And that can happen only if the other calm person tune himself to what the other irritated person is saying, like by listening to what he's saying , if he doesn't , if he thinks of other things during the argument then he will stay calm and won't be irritated too .

Another important condition is not to analyse what you're looking at . Analysing through thinking here doesn't help you understand what's going , it will do the opposite , it will actually damage what you're picking up . So avoid analysing and don't let the ego get the hang of your perception . Just let your soul be in front here and put the ego behind, then see what impression you get from what you see .

Also important is detachment from the object of one's perception . Stay detached seperated from what ever you are looking at , don't live in what you are seeing , keep it ouside of you and you outside of it .
And always keep a camera with a good working flash with you , and when there is something or you feel something coming from a particular place then what you should do is take pictures with and without the flash from different angles . Like take a shot where you're standing then move away few feets then take another picture from that angle . The white light from the flash carries all the wavelenght of colors that we see and those that we can't see which are invisible to the naked eye . And in some cases some of the invisble light like infra-red or ultra violet light created by the flash gets reflected by whatever invisible thing your are shooting and that get caught by the camera . So always keep a camera handy and take pictures from different angles .