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Orbs from Chateau Chambord, Loire Valley, France & Orb pic from the Bahamas (Thanks Caroline)

These pictures came from a lady living in the Bahamas.
"I recently went to the Loire Valley in France and took numerous digital photographs during my visit to Chateau Chambord. One of my photographs contained a beautiful orb under a Queen's bed. My second photograph was taken in one of the Kings' chambers and when I looked at the enlarged photograph I could make out in the fire place the upper torso of a woman who looks like she is reading a letter. The lady's hairstyle looks exactly like those in the various oil paintings hanging on the walls of the bedrooms in this section of the chateau which relates to the period they were decorated and occupied. My third photograph is of an orb in my own house in the Bahamas, located in the top right hand corner, which is the exact spot where I keep telling my husband I feel there is someone standing there."

-I find the orb near the fire place(on the left)quiet interesting because it seems to be tree dimensional, have depth and it seems to be distant from the camera like maybe it was moving sideways away toward the chimney? Also take a look at the the human female form on the right of the chimney. It's more visible in the zoomed in picture(pic2)

Pic-1-(Small three dimensional orb on the left of the fake chimney fire)

Pic-2-(Zoomed in shot)

Pic-3-(Queen's Bed Orb shot)

Pic-4-(Home Orb Shot)