Old Dow Brewery Building in Montreal , canada
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The Old Dow Brewery Building in Downtown Montreal, Canada

This was sent in from Vicky in montreal(Thank You Vicky)

The story behind this picture from what i was told is that two girls were sent by a production company(documentary maybe?)to take pictures of the building.I do not know the history of the building there hardly any information on it(for now anyway) So these girls went in the building by some mean i don't know how because it's locked up now. I went down and tried to find a way to get in but i couldn't.But i managed to snap few shots (two of them are at the buttom of the page)in front of a police car :)There's a police station right near the building. They didn't say anything probably woundered why would i wanna take pictures. So these girls took pictures and didn't see anything while taking them and even after developping the film.Then someone else noticed by accident the figure behind the chair.Also i was told that the picture was examined by a photoshop expert and concluded that no one has played with the picture. Picture 2 is in glow effect. Picture 3 is in grayscale effect. Picture 4 is inverted..Just to bring out more details and it seems with the glow effect we can see alot more of that figure.And it looks like a middle aged woman from the 1800 dressed in a outfit from that period something like the mormons wear and to me it feels as if she's a maid or a nanny because i can see she's carrying something..a baby ? There sure is a round black thing in front of her chin below. And a white baby blanket is visible too. On the original picture on the left where the part of the head is visible her ear is very clear. Now what she's doing ?She's coming out of the wall but not yet completly out as if she's bringing the baby to his mom. Like the lady of the house called her and told her to bring the baby over to her and that's what she's doing right now..or when that picture was snapped. She's half out. When she was alive there was no wall here and that's how she remembers this area of the building. The wall probably was put up later on after her death. So in the past in this maids time there was a door entrance or a opening here. Beside that there seems to be something else on the left coming out with her. It's not visible here but with the original photo it is. And it has a purple color, foggy purplish color and seems to be shorter and older then the figure of this maid. These are only the impressions that i'm picking up i prefer to be inside that building. A picture is not enough. But...who's gonna get us in ?

***UPDATE: I came across a site with pictures from inside the brewery and the building is in a very bad shape and doesn't look safe. So please don't go in there alone! I will not be responsible if anything happens to you.***

Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3

Picture 4

This is the Dow Brewery building from the east. And this picture show only part of the building, the whole building is huge.

And this below is the west side of the building on Peel street.(Also this is only part of the building).

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