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Lili and Pat

These pictures were sent to us by Pat and Lili (Thank you guys)(-c moi et ma bl-onde ;))and were takin last week in a nightclub .

Check the streaks of light . Now someone said that it was smoke . ok , but they have takin many pictures if it was really smoke they should have gotten smoke on all of them no ? and would smoke really show up like that in pictures ? I doubt it cigarette smoke is not that dense to reflect the light from the camera and even if it did would it create curved lines like these ?It's like the Holy Ghost is falling or flowing through them ,it's like a blessing . By the way during all these pictures they were sitting in the same place they didn't even change places . The pictures follow each other and their original numbers were 0053-54-55-56-57.And they are seperated apart by only few seconds .

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