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Strange and Paranormal Questions

1) Q-Why do you think that these houses are giving off weird vibes ?

A-well it's because they are haunted...haunted to me means there is a soul still tied up to that house and it's energies are spread all over the building(which what is being picket up here)but concentrated in one or more then one particular place and that's where the soul is located . And it can be conscious of it's state or not and in my book on the cover that i made myself i describes or shows the different states commonly experienced by a soul haunting a place .

2) Q-Does that mean if i visited one of those houses on your site i would see a ghost ?

A-Not may or may not see one because there are more then one plane a soul can go to if she was mobile , can move around , and if she was mobile then you might not see her or feel her presence . There are two types of haunting souls one is the type that stay still in one particuler place and don't move . Years and decades of our time can pass by without her feeling anything , and that soul would still be in the same place because time there does not exist. The other type is the mobile one , they can move around the place they haunt, and move also into another plane . Usually when they are scared of something they saw so they just leave instantly ,but will come back later as if nothing has happened because they can't remember what has happened what scared them .

These conditions that some souls fall into depends on their conscious states , how conscious they are where they are ,if they are conscious then they will remember ,so you might get a glimpse of one if you got lucky but will be a monentarely experience which you may not become aware of what's happening what you are seeing until it's over. If a soul is not present there are energies that are left behind which are perceptible to a sensitive , these energies are usually dispereced in a particular place or places which the soul prefered to be in when she was still of this world and that's what i'm trying to show in my photos in here , these traces of energies .

3) Q-When I was viewing your site - the photos - my heart started racing and I got a very eerie feeling - It sort of freaked me out... does this mean I am sensitive?

A-Which one brought you this feeling? by the way we are a bit sensitive and all these pictures are a bit creepy specially cluny museum pictures .There are many souls still stuck in there , each living in the state of consciousness they were in at the moment of their physical death and they seem to belong to a previous era around 200..300 years back . That's why this site gives off the feeling that it's a place out of time , that doesn't belong to our time . And what was eerie which you felt and probably other people too is that many of these souls that haunts this building are sad and angry some don't know what has happaned to them and others just waiting and all these feelings or state of souls are the energies that is being radiated outwardly which some people can/had picked up .

Have you red my Things To Keep In mind Page ? Try following what's on that page and see what happens .The thing that is very important in order to increase your sensiticity is to stay neutral...and meditation develops abilities and increase your awarness your sensitivity to your surrounding . Because by meditating properly you develop your energies centers which you probably heard of under another name "shakras" .You can think of shakras as organs of the soul and we all have them , some are active a bit others not and that's what make a person more sensitive then the other , and each shakra pick up different kind of energies once it it active that is .

So i suggest that you try to apply if you can what's on that page i mentioned above . And a good simple meditation one can use is to sit in a quiet confortable place can criss cross your legs if you want, it doesn't matter how you sit as long as you're confortable ,.then quiet the mind , try to quiet your mind , try to put the thoughts that are running in your head aside then try to sit like that , no thoughts running , just calmness , serenity then stay in that state for a can sit in that state as long as you wish ..the more you sit the better . Its a very pleasant experience by the way when you go through it and it doesn't have any harmfull effect , stillness that is , but if you read here and there info on how to meditate on what to meditate on which sometimes is a repetative thing then there might be some danger . And i wouldn't recomand doing that ,bying a book then applying its content unless your in a known spiritual school which teach you how to meditate properly .

Here in canada there are such school , but there are good schools everywhere i think just need to look around and be carefull , follow your confortability , if your not confortable with a course , teacher..etc...don't take it , that means its not for you , thats how our spirit guides communicate with us sometimes , warn us of danger what to avoid , what to accept , what is good for us .

4) Q-Do you believe that spirits follow people or do they mainly stay with a building or house, etc ?

A-Hauntings can follow's not only in a can be connected to anything physical....anything that belonged to someone who in his life here was attached to this creates bonds ..spiritual bonds that will enable the soul to come back to be close to it , to haunt it .

5) Q-My friend is distressed about things concerning guides , she red many negative things , i was concerned about her that's why i came to dialogue with you , what do you think ?

A-Well i can't say i've ever had a really bad negative experience with my spirit guides , i had at the beguining some negative experiences but they're not bad enough to be worth mentioning them here . And i don't think you'll have any unpleasant experience with them if you understand them if you listen to them because they're there to help you out in things . Things that are visible to them from where they are but not to you not to us . And if they show any let's say evil thing from them that's because the person is stubburn and don't wanna listen to what they are trying to say . Have she ever encountered anything evil or she just depressed from what she red ? should not take everything that is red and apply it on one'self , it's better to just take notes in one's mind so to speak of what is experienced and said by others .

6) Q- What can you do to stop abnormal thoughts like thinking all the time and not being able to stop ?

A- A good way to reduce or even get rid of all these thoughts is to change your vibration your frequency to another one which isn't tuned to the thoughts that you are picking up . Have you noticed if there are more thoughts during the day then when it's night during the night time after midnight ? Because if it was mainly during the day time that means you are picking up other peoples thoughts , they are being reflected in you . If it's during the night which i doubt it this mean its from spirit guides...but they wouldn't be doing this to anyone unless there is a good reason .

We all change our vibratory energies by the things we do and even by what we eat . Like the tv does to you it made your tuner so to speak change channel momentarely , other things...try reading ..listening to music...drawing...painting...anything you like to do ? If this doesn't work try meditating ....if you have a sink..water running...near a kitchen for instance....let the water sink drips drop by a way that you can hear it....then go sit in a quiet not too lighted place then try to quiet your mind ..put the thoughts behind you...some tricks like grabbing the thoughts that you are hearing then trowing them behind you helps you stop them..momentarely that is . So when your mind is quiet a bit concentrate on the drops of water in the kitchen....and when ever other thoughts try to sneak in grab them through visualisations then throw them behind..say "i'll think of that later..i'll have all the time for that..later " .

If water dripping bothers you try putting some Indien music...a music that doesn't have side effects ...meaning a music that does not keep playing in ones head after the music was turned off...which todays music do that and i find it very irritating . A musical instrument music is the best i think in making you focus and be in contro of yourself .

So try doing this or other similer concentration exersice and see what happen . By the way i'm like you but with me i have my private house so to speak and when a spirit guide wants to tell me something he comes in..he doesn't knock...he just open the entrance door...comes in tell me what needs to be told then leave .

7) Q- How can a ghost be captured by a camera if it's not physical?

A- It's because the eye can not catch objects moving at high speed just like you can't see the wing flaps of a fly or a bird flapping but cameras can because of their high shutter speed . Another thing the light from the cameras flash is pure white which means it carries all the colors/wavelenghts of the spectrum visible as well non visible .So if there was a object in the let's say invisible part of the spectrum it may not have the substance you are thinking of but it has enough substance to absorb or reflect parts of that spectrum of light from the camera's flash light and will make this object momentarely visible enough for the camera to catch it . Similer to seeing dust in the air by shining a light on , with the proper lightning from a ordinary flashlight dust particules flying around invisible to the naked eye can be made visible .

8) Q- What is the best meditation technics to developpe psychic abilities ?

A- The following are not so much of meditation exercises they are however more of a state of self and behaviour , and i give Honesty Serenity and Detachements the best marks . Specially Honesty which is something that is not hard to follow . A life in honesty is as precious as water on earth .

9) Q- There isn't alot of places on the net that have places that are haunted in montreal..Can you give me a couple of places i can check out, thank you so every kindly for your time ?

A- Sure , well Mc Gill university is haunted , the section of the university (if i remenber correctly) that is located on sherbrooke , parallel to st. catherine if you exit from Peel metro and you go up . I havent examined the building yet but from outside it is giving off intense haunting energies . From what i heard it seems theres a ghost of a girl haunting it but i doubt thats the only ghost . Also The city hall in old montreal is also giving off alot of energies from the second floor which i tried to get up but couldnt , needed a apointment with the protocol . The lady was on vacation when i called , ill try again in the future when i have time . And also Cathedral Mary Queen Of The World , on Rene Levesque , theres a spirit i got in touch with connected to the huge wooden arch found inside .I havent had a full investigation of the cathedral yet , i will when i get the chance .

10) Q- Since psychics can see the future why don't they get the number of the next winning loto ticket and get rich ?

A- It's because it's not up to them to get the infos they want . They are more like receivers like a radio , they are able to receive informations only if there are signals being transmited to them only if their spirit guides have something to tell them . You see they can't will it to know things , willing it might give them what they're asking for but with time they'll start to receive infos that aren't correct . From my experience the best thing is not to ask anything and when you're spirit guides wants to tell you something that they see it fit for you to know about then they'll tell you .And if that was followed be sure that what is received is 100 percent correct .

11) Q- I had a reading by two different psychics and they both gave me somewhat similar messages why is that not the exact same thing?

A- Because each one is different no two alike , different in a sens that they didn't spiritually evolve the same way , so one won't see the exact same thing another is seeing . Also translating into language what they are seeing usually is not easy . This is basically one of the most difficult thing because souls usually communicate in symboles and you have to put in words properly what they are showing you or you're way off their message . That is if they are clearly visible to the psychic because sometimes they aren't . That's why sometimes you see psychics asking in some feedback from you because they can see somebody but it's not clear to them , it's foggy .

12) Q- hi, my son is almost 4 and he started talking at 4month old and even before that he was seening things, then when he was able to talk he would talk to theas people, a few of them evenscared me by the way he was talking to them he would even play with a cupple of them and there are 2 that he talkes to that scare him .

A- First of all i don't think you should be worried here because he seemed to have been seeing these things for a while now and if they wanted to hurt him they would have long time ago don't you think ?. He was able to see them only at the beguining now he can talk an interact with them , you should not be worried . This is common to many childrens at this age .I don't know if you beleive in this but people who become psychics and mediums later in life go usually in similer experiences . So there is nothing to worry about unless you feel from what he tells you that they want to hurt him.
This may sound off the wall to you but sometimes and i have witnessed that with my own eyes ,kids around your son's are able to see the spirit world . The souls if you like of people that are no longer of this world. These spirits have usually a purpose for being visible to these kids and it's usually to protect them from harm from things happening in the child's life . And in other cases their presence is not connected to anyone just to the house where one has moved in and they are seeing the soul of someone who is still for some reason bound to his house .
About the ones he's telling you are "mean" ,you have to know that there are kids at this age who doesn't use proper words to describe what they are experiencing or seeing . I'm not saying that he's doing that is it's just a thing to take into consideration also .
You probably have already done this , but have you asked your son to ask whoever he is seeing like Who they are ?what they're coming from ? even if that sounds absurd to you , just try it see what he tells you . Have you always been in the same house where you live now ?And have you ever checked the history of your house ?Do you know who used to live there ?This is another thing to check or maybe to do first if you haven't done it already .
Also you can still go see or bring a priest to your home to bless it if you feel it's something that is beyound your capabilities in dealing with and get the house clenced from spirits that you may think is harmfull to your family.

13) Q- Hi! I need some help. I'm trying to gather information about telepathy, premonitions, precognition and post cognition for a research paper. If you know of any books that would help me I would appreciate it a lot. Thank you.

A- well i can't point a particular book for you because each person is different , my favorite books may not be good book for you .The best thing to do is to look around shops check the new age sections in libraries and when a book sticks to you that means thats the one for you . In other words your spirit guides wants you to have it . If it doesn't stick that means its not for you and keep looking .

14) Q-Hi i have been looking on web sites looking for some kind of answers and found some one else going threw what my daughter is going threw. and you e-mail address was there trying to reply to her, So i hope you dont mind me e-mailing you?
My daughter is 2 and a half, and started saying that there is a man in our house, but we dont have any men living in our home, yesterday she hide behind the kitchen door saying the man is there, (in our front room) and hide her face away when we picked her up and was very scared, she said he sits on our sofa and moves around the room as she points to different parts of the room where she says he is.
so i tried to ressure her and tell her its ok he is her friend, and yet again today it has happend again tonight she was sitting on the sofa and started muttering to her self and then calls out and points Tony is back, but we dont know any tonys, and no men here.. my older children was playing and pretend to get him and get him to leave and said there is another one over there, and tony is here... The older 2 are getting very worried about what the little one is saying is there! I dont know what is going on, this started a few months back, when she went up stairs to the loo and then came running back down and kept telling me to come and look! in a way she never has before, when i went upstairs with her she kept pointing in the hallway saying mum look there, but there was nothing there, the look on her face and the way she went on about going upstairs to look you would think the hallway was full of lots of goodies "sweets", i jsut took her back down and said there is nothing there silly, and now around the same period of time she want go upstairs on her own .
Strange things have happend in our home for some years, mainly been as soon as you put things down they just disapear, I.E i could be working at my desk and talking on the phone and be writing notes i put the pen down for less than a minute and when i go to pick it up that disapears, i go and get another pen and the same thing happens, you can pull the whole desk apart and it is no where to be seen, and days later it is back there where i put it!
The only other thing we have had happend is that me and my daughter who was 13 both see something move although could tell you what it was, and as quick as we see it it was gone, me and the oldest daughter just looked at each other and i asked her did you see that and she said yes it was next to me, which is what i see! I just havent got any clues to why this is happening in our home, but the last few days seems to be getting stranger, is there any in sight you can give me, I am even going to bbo an appointment with a clairvoyant to see what she thinks. I'd be grateful for any insight you can give me .

A- Hello , sure no problem :) I don't wanna jump to conclusions right away but your house sure sounds haunted from the things you have experienced . These experiences usually are encountered in buildings who their ex owners still with their souls inhabit them ,they dont know they are no longer in this world . They are so much impregnated by their last experiences in this plane that the physical death came and gone without them being aware of its happening so they keep on living in the memories that they had in their houses being replayed over and over and over. This is only one type of consciousness a haunting soul falls into there are many others which influences the behaviour of the haunting soul .
You shouldn't be scared unless you feel from what you see and experience that harm could happen if you don't do anything . To me they don't sound that they are melevalent spirits . I suggest to grab a camera and see if you can catch something of what your daughter sees ..with a flash because light sometimes makes the unvisible visible just like the light from a flash light can make dust particles in the air at night visible if we shine light through it . Also if you have a digital camera it would be great if you can take pictures of your house and send it to us to see if we can pick anything from them , Thank you . We have received many similer emails like yours and responses were added to these questions on the Questions and Answers page on our site please check it out .

15)Q- Do you have some knowledge in remote influencing ?And do you know someone who can have this abilities or some knowledge to reverse this kind of link create by someone. For a friend to who i believe this happenes to by someone sending bad energies. thank's
A- Remote influancing ?That's the first time i hear about it. I know that you can heal someone from a distance by sending energies..healing energies. And you can also send energies to calm someone down who is very upset even if he lives far from you. But to controle someone if that's what you mean.i don't's possible some people might able to do that...but i doubt it it works on everyone..the subject needs to have a weak personality...very weak....but even with that i'm not sure that someone can keep on controling someone else.
Everyone has spirit guides and he's protected at all time to some degree all according to his Karma. But if your friend needs additional protections one way is to surround himself mentally with pure white light.Just let him/her sit down just for a few minutes.After closing the eyes then just let him imagine pure white light surrounding him. Then let him ask the spirit world/angels around him to protect him.

16)Q-Can you find somebody who's been missing ?and how much?
A- I might be able to but that does not depend on me but on my guides. This is how things work for me. Pictures, i would ask to see alot of pictures of the person you are looking for. And if you have sentances that this person used to use alot that i can read. All this is just to tune myself or get tuned so to speak to the person in question. Then see if i pick up something. I usually get images symbolic images in which the person you are looking for is in is part of the settings of this/these images. Then what i have to do is decipher properly the whole settings, the symboles in the image/images. Sometimes i only get a image with all the needed info in. It all depends on what my spirit guides are willing to show me. But i ca not garantie that i will see images or that might able to help you out here because like i said it's not up to me to see it's up to what the spirit world want to show me.How much i charge ? I charge nothing. I don't do this for the money and i don't think anybody who is able to do the same should charge anything. It should always be free.

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