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St. Severin Church , Paris , France

These pictures were taken inside St Severin Church in Paris , France . This church is haunted by many souls . There are many energies in there , it's difficult to describe them but it's like different parts of that church is impragnated with haunting energies belonging to different eras or time period . But what caught my attention is the spirit standing on top of the balcony near that clock on the left . I felt that he's a short male around 5.0-5.5 feet tall , in his fourties , just standing there . It's like he's waiting for something or someone , he could be connected to the organ on the right . Although he's not visible to the naked eye but if your sensitive enough you'll feel his presence . There is also this red energies caught by the camera on the right , which as you can see even from different angles shots they kept appearing on photographes . I thought first that it could be someone else's camera flash but there were only like 4 or 5 people present , also the light from a flash does not give red light like that it gives white light .

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