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Codes to Live By

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This is for all the people who think there aren't any rules and a reminder for those who forget!

Respect! Respect! Respect!
This goes for everything and everyone. The golden rule is universal.

Compassion matters.

Always speak politely when you wish a polite response.

Be honest. Other Witches and Pagans have a knack for knowing when people lie.

Remember that we are all equal. There are no second-class spiritual citizens of planet earth.

Keep your word. It's magickally binding.

Walk your talk. Our actions create our reality.

Be loyal and trustworthy to your friends, they are your spiritual kin. No one likes - or trusts - someone who switches sides just because it's convenient for them.

Always ask for cooperation when you approach someone, telling them what to do is not likely to inspire the response you wish for! (And it doesn't matter who you are in the community!)

Always respect another's boundaries. If a group/individual has been using a place for their meetings/sacred space/gatherings, you should check with them first before you decide to use it even if you think you don't have to.

Others including Leaders and Elders are just as human as you are.

Go the extra mile in everything you do. Consider it your offering to your deities.

Go out of your way to be polite. It can never hurt and will only help.

Always smile and say hello to people you don't know.

Malicious gossip will return to you threefold. If you are so unhappy now that you need to do this, just think how unhappy you will be when it comes back to you three times over!

We all know that people who spread/invent malicious gossip lack personal power, and it's a very bad idea to anger those who do have

Judge others by actions, not words. And definitely not over email!

Practicing negative magick against others is just asking to get your butt kicked by someone that is your better. And this doesn't even
include the karma!

Remember that there is always someone out there who is smarter, more skilled, talented and knowledgeable than yourself.

Remember that we are practicing a religion where we acknowledge that what goes around comes around. People cannot help but show who they are in time, and the bad ones will eventually find a way to "flush" themselves out of the community. Good people just need to be strong-and patient.

The community has become wiser, and is aware of people who play the blame game. Even if you are believed at first, you will eventually discredit yourself.

Never put others down in public even if you feel they deserve it. It
will only prove that you're a jerk.

Public means involving anyone else other than just you and the person in question.

Always ask, "What did you mean by that?" Never assume.

"When you point one finger, three more point back at you."