Well hello there i'm glad you made it to this section
of my website. *Giggle* You aare going to be viewing some
pictures of different people that have meet from the channel
but not at a channel party. Not every one gets to go to the
channel parties :-( so this gives them a place
to say HEY we had fun to. *giggle*
If you have went some where and meet someone in the channel
and would like to share with us please send me a picture of
of you and them so i may post it on here with the rest of them.
I hope you enjoy what we have so far.
Thanks PrettyMoon
^sparkle and Knight^Man.
They meet shortly after ^sparkle^ started coming
to the channel and found out they lived close by.
TigerEyes and Stormy^.
Tiger and Stormy^ are sisters.
Tiger went to see Stormy last Aug of 2000.
TigerEyes and Whitewolf.
Aug of 2000 visit with Stormy^.
Watch out ladies Tiger is protective of this cutie! *giggle*
Trekker and Whitewolf.
June of 2001, Tiger went to see Stormy^
and meet RoseAngel` for the first time.
Whitewolf and fxyeyes.
This picture was taken when
TigerEyes went to see them in June of 2001.
By the way Tiger did get a better camera *giggle*

People that have visited since October 19, 2001

These graphics was designed and made for this site only.
Please do not take them. A lot of hard work went into making these for you to enjoy.
Website was designed and is maintained by TigerEyes and PrettyMoon.
© TigerEyes 2001