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Ok, which Retro-gamer has NOT heard of Lemmings? I'm expecting no hands up here. Lemmings has been on multi-platforms from the Amiga to Playstation (Where it met it's end). Literally, the game couldn't transfer into 3D and so the Lemmings were eradicatted. So here we shall commemorate their original 2D brilliance. Welcome to the world of Lemmings. The world where you have to try to save countless fools from dropping off of cliffs and running into fire. But when killing them is SO good!?

This is the first ever Lemmings game and set the survival series up for a blast. The little greena nd blue lemmings were so cute that they deserved pain...
The original Lemmings had a small story-esque bit at the beginning of the book. This is that story. Page 1 Click on the images left to enlarge in a new window.

This is the first ever Lemmings game and set the survival series up for a blast. The little greena nd blue lemmings were so cute that they deserved pain...
The original Lemmings had a small story-esque bit at the beginning of the book. This is that story. Page 2 Click on the images left to enlarge in a new window.

This is the first ever Lemmings game and set the survival series up for a blast. The little greena nd blue lemmings were so cute that they deserved pain...
The original Lemmings had a small story-esque bit at the beginning of the book. This is that story. Page 3 Click on the images left to enlarge in a new window.

This is the first ever Lemmings game and set the survival series up for a blast. The little greena nd blue lemmings were so cute that they deserved pain...
The original Lemmings had a small story-esque bit at the beginning of the book. This is that story. Page 4 Click on the images left to enlarge in a new window.

This is the first ever Lemmings game and set the survival series up for a blast. The little greena nd blue lemmings were so cute that they deserved pain...
The original Lemmings had a small story-esque bit at the beginning of the book. This is that story. Page 5 Click on the images left to enlarge in a new window.

This is the first ever Lemmings game and set the survival series up for a blast. The little greena nd blue lemmings were so cute that they deserved pain...
The original Lemmings had a small story-esque bit at the beginning of the book. This is that story. Page 6 Click on the images left to enlarge in a new window.