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The Very Air I Breathe (Excerpt)

The trees and vast foliage sped past her as she raced down one of the many paths in Central Park. The balmy summer air brushed her face, and her cheeks were pink with exertion. In deference to the hot June day, she had chosen blue shorts, and a white T-shirt. The words "Lawyers rule in court" printed across the front. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail, and it trailed behind her as she ran past a bench with a couple kissing on it.

She ran a few more paces, then turned onto a new path. Being that there was an abundance of trees here, it was more shaded, and only patches of the sun shone through the leaves.

Leaning against a tree now, she took a sip from the bottle of water snapped to her waist. She heard the snap of a twig behind her as she lowered the bottle. It was then she noticed that she was the only one on this particular path. How quiet it suddenly seemed. She shook her head at her paranoid thoughts, and raised the bottle to her lips again.

She lowered it quickly when she heard another twig snap. That was not her imagination. There was someone here with her! She swallowed her fear, even as she berated herself.

How many women had been raped in this very park? Even during the light of day? How many times had she heard on various news reports, never to run by herself? And here she was, a single woman, alone without even a single person in view in either direction.

She swiftly snapped her water bottle into place, and took off like a frightened doe. Her breathing came out raggedly as she raced down the path. Her heart pounded loudly in her ears. She could hear the crunch of her pursuer's shoes behind her. An extra burst of adrenaline propelled her to run even faster. She was almost there, she thought, seeing that the trees spread open into a small clearing. There were some people milling about.

Just when she was about to call out for help to a passing roller-blader, she tripped over a root sticking out of the ground from one of the trees. She twisted her ankle, and she landed on her knee, scraping it. She held back a cry of pain and frustration. Her ankle throbbed painfully. She was preparing to scream her head off. Her mouth opened to do just that when Craig Winters hunkered down in front of her, clad in indecently tight spandex and a tank top. His dark-blonde hair looked almost brown from the sweat pasteing it to his head.

"You!" She fumed angry that he'd scared her half to death like that.

"Why'd you run away for?" He asked, "Didn't you hear me calling you?"

She slapped the hand he held out to her, "No I did not hear you! And you scared the crap out of me!"

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean too," he said contritely, "Are you all right?"

"Do I look all right to you?" She asked angrily, then she quickly regretted her words when his green eyes ran over her. He payed particular attention to her breasts, that rose and fell with each breath she took. She could feel the heat rising to her cheeks. Damn that man! He was the only one who could make her blush like that.

"Nothing's wrong that I can see," he smiled suggestively, running his eyes over her again.

"Oh! Is that all you ever think about?" She said, pushing him away, and trying to stand, but she winced in pain.

His eyes instantly filled with concern, "Let me look at that ankle."

"No! I'm fine. I just have to get back home," she insisted, trying to stand once again.

"Not until I take a look at that ankle. Then I'll take you home," Craig said gently, but firmly pushing her back down.

"I can get home myself, thank you!"

"You have got to be the most stubborn woman I've ever known!" He grated in exasperation.

"Yeah well that makes two of us, because you are the most stubborn man I've ever kn...OUCH!" She cried as Craig pulled her leg onto his lap to examined the injured area.

"I think you just twisted your ankle. It's starting to swell. You're going to have to elevate it, and put some ice on it," he said gently pulling her sock back up into place.

"Hmph! Well, thank you for that brilliant observation doctor know-it-all," she said sarcastically, "I could have told you that myself!"

This time, she managed to stand, but she wobbled slightly as she kept her weight off her injured ankle. Craig instantly reached out to support her as she fell forward.

"Come on Jacks, put that pride of yours aside for a minute and let me take you home," he said slipping an arm around her waist, and giving it a slight squeeze, "I know you're a strong woman, but sometimes you have to bend and let someone stronger help you occasionally."

Jacqueline mumbled something under her breath about overbearing men, but allowed him to turn her towards home. She couldn't quite shake the feeling of deja vu as she felt the same security in his arms as she had felt in her dream. She felt the band of steel that was his arm encircleing her waist, and she knew he wouldn't let her fall.

On the normally short walk to her apartment, which took considerable more time now because of her injury, Craig filled the time in by making light conversation in an attempt to distract her from the pain. His jokes were so corny that she couldn't help but laugh at them.

"It's okay Gary," said Jacqueline as they finally reached her building, and the doorman expressed his concern, "I've just had a bit of an accident."

"I hope you feel better Miss Chantey," Gary said.

"Thank you Gary, I'll be fine," she called as Craig escorted her into the elevator.

"I would have to live at the end of the hall," she said as they stepped out of the elevator on the 15th floor.

Craig chuckled at her dry humor, and gave her a squeeze on the waist.

"Come on, we're almost there. Let me have your keys."

Unlocking the door, he kicked it open with the toe of his sneaker. Then swept Jacqueline easily up in his arms.

Jacqueline gasped, her arms instantly wrapping around his neck, "What are you doing!"

Craig smiled wickedly at her, "Why, I'm carrying you over the threshold, my lady."

"Well you don't have too! Put me down!" She ordered, squirming in his arms.

In his usual fashion, Craig ignored her, and strode into the apartment, kicking the door shut behind him. He dropped the keys onto the console table in the small entry hall as he passed it. Then walked over to the ring of white sofas in the middle of the room, where he gently deposited her. Without his arms around her, she felt strangely bereft. She shook her head at her foolish thoughts.

"Do you have an ice bag?" Asked Craig looking down at her.

"Yes, it's in the cabinet above the sink in the kitchen," she answered.

Craig nodded, heading in the direction she indicated, "Take off that sneaker, and elevate your foot," he ordered.

"Yes sir," she mumbled obeying him, "Sure Craig. Make yourself at home Craig. Tell me what to do Craig."

"Did you say something?" He asked, coming back holding the blue bag filled with ice.

"No," she quickly replied, flushing guiltily.

Craig raised a brow, but didn't comment. He focused his attention to her ankle, that was now resting on a pillow. He saw that it was swollen, and slightly discolored. He nodded with satisfaction. Thankfully she hadn't broken anything, it was only a slight sprain. He knew from his own experience with a similar injury that she would be fine in a few days, provided she stayed off her ankle. He told her so as he wrapped the ice bag in a towel, and gently placed it over the swelling. Craig quickly cleaned the cut on her knee, and put a band-aid over it. Then he went to get her an aspirin. He stood back, and watched her as she drank the glass of water he'd brought her. He was loath to leave her, but he could see that she was tiring.

"Well I've done all I can," he said, "I should get going, and leave you to rest. Just remember what I told you."

Jacqueline nodded, and smiled up at him, "Thank you Craig. I really appreciate everything you did."

"Don't worry, you'll be back to your old self in a few days," before he thought better of it, he dropped a quick kiss onto her forehead. Swiveling on his heel, he turned and left.

Jacqueline, momentarily stunned by his affectionate gesture, rested her head back against the cushions of the sofa. She smiled softly to herself. The aspirin, and the ice had dulled the pain to a small ache.

Craig wasn't so bad, she decided as she drifted off to sleep, when he wasn't trying to be so obnoxious that is.

Copyright 1998; 2002-2003 Rose Michaels

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