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When the evil of earth fused to create Hienrich the First, ::EOD:: rose to put and end to his thirst, Through thick and thin the Elements fought and rageful mayhem was what they brought, Tired of running, the enemy laid down thier heads, grieving to just die in there beds, and escape the horror...the shot(s) to the head. For the prophets were right, just as U.D. said ,"All that is... will soon be dead". For peace and honor is why we fought, unfortunately "death" is all we were taught, thus, leaving armies to rot, In an EVIL 'melting pot'. We ask, why? Did so many have to die? 40, 000 angels kissed the sky, and a single tear fell from every eye. We ask, why? Did so many have to die? Still, our question, gets no reply..... Now, in a heroic and top secret plan to overtake the RTCW, The Elements of ::EOD:: get set to embark on a mission so vast, That the only objectives are for sanity to last, And when death takes it's toll...forget the past. So Lead us whose wings for freedoms sake now soar, Into our hearts thy faith and courage pour, And through cloud and sunshine, through darkest night, Guide thou our wings who battle for the right, Let us grace your hand of faith and keep our souls safe in place, Let heaven shine down upon the floor, and into our hearts thy faith and courage pour. The prophets also show, " when 'Mother War' goes on a killing spree, The only ones left standing, will all be ::EOD::" Momma...Moommaaaaa......Mooommaaaaaaaaaaa!, cries the soldier..., Keep your head held high my brave brother, For your 'duty' has relieved death from another, and when the smog has cleared, we can always say we knew, Ev'ry heart beats true 'neath the Red, White and Blue, Who knew that life would be like this... Who knew we'd fight in the 'grande obyss'. What is to become of what was lost? The true cost, is splattered on the cold glass frost, What is to become of what was lost? To us...sadly... it is not a loss. We care only for our allies and our honourable BOSS. Godspeed my 'KIA' brothers..., The ones who cried and died for others. You must never forget, You are the ones to respect, For I still get goose bumbs when I think of how we know and knew, Ev'ry heart beats true, 'neath the Red, White, and blue...

Cujo 2002