If I am correct, this is Laruku's first album after Sakura (their original drummer) left the group, and Yukihiro joined. I never listened to early L'Arc~en~ciel until after I was a fan of their later music, so if my tastes run different than yours, I apologize. However, I think all of Laruku's music is great, and I try to be completely unbiased as to who the drummer is. Now that I'm done with my little caveat, on to the review.
Hyde looks like a waif. >_< |
1. Loreley: words & music by hyde
This song starts off so quietly, you think it's going to be a ballad. Then the guitar kicks in, along with a wonderful 80's style saxophone. It's so surprising, and an interesting way to open the album. Hyde really shows off his vocal abilities in this song, jumping from bass to tenor and falsetto seamlessly. I also really like the chorus, "forever la lai la la etc." Instead of seeming like hyde simply ran out of clever lyrics, it completes the mood the song is trying to create. It's upbeat, but not happy, which is a style that Laruku has perfected. This song is a favorite of many Laruku fans, and its easy to see why. Rating: 10 out of 10
2. winter fall: words by hyde, music by Ken
"winter fall" is, in comparison with many Laruku songs, a much brighter and happier piece. As the title suggests, it is a winter song, although it's definitely one you can listen to all year. The tambourine and guitar definitely give the impression of snow falling to the ground. The lyrics are appropriately romantic and filled with snow imagery. Hyde's voice soars from one line to the next effortlessly, even though he sings with great power. Ken's guitar playing, coupled with the orchestrations, really push the song forward and add to its power. Ken and Hyde's collaborations are always among my favorites, and this song leaves me completely breathless. Rating: 10 out of 10
3. Singin' in the Rain: words & music by hyde
This is definitely a departure of style for Laruku! The song has kind of a carefree, jazz-swing style (appropriate considering the title). The 20s/30s style piano is a really great touch. This is an unabashedly romantic song, with sweet lyrics. "I'm embraced gently in the rain that you love/the wonderful song is still playing now." I love the way hyde uses his voice in this song, with all the little trills and slides. He is really able to express this type of music well. It's great to hear Laruku stop being so serious and just do a happy song. It always brings a smile to my face. Rating: 10 out of 10
4. Shout at the Devil: words by hyde, music by ken
Well, so much for light and happy. Laruku moves on to their harder, much louder roots with "Shout at the Devil." This is a pretty typical hard-Laruku song, with lots of bass and guitar. Yuki also gets his first real chance on the album to show he is an able replacement for Sakura. It's probably unneccessary, but I should mention that hyde's singing is great in this song; I especially like the fact that he's able to go crazy a bit here and there. (He actually screams at one point. Very cool.) The lyrics are interesting, being mostly about pain and deception. I especially like "I'll show you I'll blow out that deceitful brightness /even if that power appears defiled / I wave the flag of truth over my head!" For some reason, this song seems really short, but it is nearly 4 minutes long. All in all, it's nice to hear Laruku getting back to what it means to be a rock band. No complaints here. Rating: 9 out of 10
5. Niji (rainbow): words by hyde, music by ken
On to a L'Arc~en~ciel classic. If you ask Laruku fans what their favorite song is, I'd bet half would mention this song. I personally consider it to be a masterpiece of poetry and music, all brought together by hyde's incomparable singing. If that seems like an overstatement, all I can say is that you probably haven't heard the song. If I had to name some of the greatest pieces of music of all time, this and Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band would be together near the top. No song has ever expressed true agony to me as well as this one does. Everything, the guitar, the bass, the drums, comes together so perfectly. And the lyrics, well... see for yourself. "My heart is honestly fragile.
Everybody around me is breaking.
Suddenly, in the sudden rain, although you
stopped again, you still believe in me."
I'm going to stop rambling now. You need to hear this song. Buy it, download it, whatever it takes. Rating: 10 out of 10
6. birth!: words & music by hyde
Any song would seem a little less special after hearing "Niji," but I will strive to be fair and objective. This really is a good song, bringing to mind Laruku's earlier, pre-Yuki style. This is essentially a rock song, but pay attention to the drumming in particular. Yuki really is a talented musician, and anyone who thinks that he doesn't belong in the band has probably never actually listened to him play. Their loss. Anyway, this is a normal Laruku track, which means it's very good and extremely enjoyable. Rating: 9 out of 10
7. Promised land: words by hyde, music by ken
There are typical Laruku rock songs, and then there are the really special ones. This is one of the latter. I imagine the Beatles making a song like this if they had lasted another 10 years. (Hmm, two Beatles comparisons in one review. *blushing*) The lyrics call into question all kinds of ideas about perception and truth, as many of hyde's songs do. What is wonderful about this song is the instantly memorable chorus "Devil's walk in the strawberry fields" (great imagery there!) and the pounding combination of drums, guitar and bass. This is a classic piece, and a great one to play for friends who keep making fun of your "weird Japanese music." Rating: 10 out of 10
8. fate: words by hyde, music by ken
Yikes, they didn't let Tetsu write much on this album, did they? Well, that's fine with me, because I think ken is a much better composer. (Sorry, all you Tetsu fans!) This is another song that sounds like it could be from an earlier Laruku album. Maybe it's Ken's playing, I don't really know. Hyde's vocals are kind of dark, which always gives the songs a slightly different tone. The chorus has a great melody that makes it unique from other songs of the same type. (That would be the part that goes, "Setsunai hodo ni kimi o omotte
/kono ude ga kono mune ga..." the first time.) The sense of self-doubt and fear given by the lyrics is very powerful; in the end "all I know is that it's only you that I love." Wow. Hyde really knows how to use every emotion locked in the human heart. Rating: 9 out of 10
9. milky way: words & music by Tetsu (!!)
Tetsu has always been the happy, more pop-ish member of the band, and this song seems to illustrate that pretty well. This song has a nice, upbeat tempo and romantic lyrics about stars and moonlight. It's almost cute how sweet the lyrics are. The music itself isn't all that special; it's just the usual Laruku type sound, but without any touches to make it really unique. I like this song, but there's nothing about it that really blows me away. Rating: 8 out of 10
10. Anata: words by hyde, music by tetsu
In case you didn't know, "anata" is the Japanese word for "you." Therefore, without hearing the song, you would expect it to be a ballad and a love song. You would be correct. What you probably wouldn't expect is the lush orchestration, including a full strings and a harp. Sadly, this fades into the background to give more room to the traditional rock instruments. However, it doesn't detract from the song. Hyde is essentially singing to the love of his life, and for once there is no loss or pain in his voice or words. "in my heart from someday on it will shine /because you are here /even until all of my tears dry, /so precious because you are here." The melody is so wonderful, soaring into crescendo after crescendo. It's really as if hyde cannot contain his love and it's just bursting out. This is the kind of song that brings tears to my eyes, and it's the absolutely perfect way to end the album. Rating: 10 out of 10
Overall Rating: 10 out of 10